View Full Version : Here when down.

07-04-06, 14:42
I wonder if my presence on this site directly corelates with present stress level. When stress levels were very high I tended to frequent this site more often, when I was doing great, I just never visited the site. Now I am average and visit it infrequently.


07-04-06, 15:05
hiya vasantharam,

i understand what you mean. on bad days i come on a lot and read a lot. on better days i dont seem to come on at all. today is a good day tho, it just depends. It is reassuring to know the option is there when we feel we need it.

Hope you are having a good day today :0)

Amanda XX

" knowing and regarding reality as it is, one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint." - the book of Buddism

07-04-06, 19:36
Hi there Ram

I totally agree with you, I suppose its like a support system really - we use it when we need it.

Hope things are going well

