View Full Version : Left hand index finger tingle :(

22-03-11, 20:52
I was just sitting and my index finger on my left hand started to tingle. Of course it was my left hand so it's a heart attack I assume. Or a neuro disease or something. Please help. I don't want to sleep. Help me!!

22-03-11, 21:12
That happened to me about 12 months ago. I was eating, felt the tingle then found I couldnt grasp the knife as little finger and ring finger went numb.. It was normal again after a few minutes.I had been lifting something heavy though hours before. Its quite common for that to happen with pressure on a nerve in the wrist.

22-03-11, 21:12
Don't know if this will help at all but I had a twitch in my index finger on my right hand while going through a period of anxiety recently and I am ok :)
Are you on beta blockers at all I take atenolol and believe it my be a side effect from that, although I can't be certain as I gave the patient information leaflet to my daughter to avoid developing all known side effects:wacko:
Hope you manage to get some answers to help put your mind at rest take care

22-03-11, 21:17
So you don't think it's a heart attack???

22-03-11, 21:38
If you were sitting on your hand before your finger started tingling I'm absolutely CERTAIN you just have a pins and needles caused by you temporarily cutting off the blood supply to your finger (nothing at all to worry about)! Did you mean that you were sitting on your hand or just sitting down when the tingling started? Either way it's not a symptom of a heart attack and sounds like a funny trapped nerve symptom.

You are definitely not having a heart attack. :)

22-03-11, 21:44
I wasn't sitting on it , just sitting there and it tingled. Hasn't Done it since. But my shoulders hurt ;(

22-03-11, 21:48
It's probably just tension and a trapped nerve hun xxx

05-09-23, 21:47
Did It ever come back - I have this too!