View Full Version : I've convinced myself that I'm dying.

22-03-11, 22:31
Well, I really need you guys's help because I'm about to go mad. Right now, my parents are away for another couple of weeks (they've been away for nearly 2 already), and before they went I was starting to feel a little unwell. Since they've left, I've been getting worse.

I have a real fear of being alone incase something happens to me. Everyone I know lives at least a 30 minute drive away, some even on different continents, and noone checks on me regularly - or at least not enought to know something is wrong. I'm so scared that while I'm on my own, something will happen to me and my animals won't have anyone to care for them, because noone will notice I'm gone for weeks.

I'm hoping this is the cause of all my physical ailments. My hair is falling out (this started maybe a week or 2 before they went away), I'm tired ALL the time no matter how much sleep I get, I'm physically exhausted (I'm only 24 years old, and even walking into the next room of my house can be taxing), I can hear & at times feel my heart beating in my head, and I'm physically shaky all the time.
It was bearable until last night when something extremely scary happened. I was asleep, when all of a sudden I woke up, and my entire face was numb, and also a lot of my body. My legs were so stiff that it hurt to move them even a tiny bit, and my eyesight was slightly distorted. I also felt as if someone had drugged me - I kept staring at my hand thinking, "s this my hand?? wow..." and panicking about that.
In fact, I panicked so much that I almost called an ambulance.

These symptoms have gotten to me so badly that I have a VERY hard time leaving the house. I'm also very convinced that I'm dying, and have thought about it so much that I've considered leaving notes to tell people to look after my animals. They're what I admittedly worry about the most - their suffering if I die.

Anyway, that's enough of my nutty post. I've been to the doctor and am having blood tests on Friday. But this was before the episode I had last night. What do you think? Can anyone else say that they have experienced similar things?

One more thing - the doctor upped my dose of Fluoxetine from 20mg to 40mg a couple of weeks ago, after being on the former for almost a year.

Please help me... I'm really at a loss.

22-03-11, 23:03
it sounds like your massively anxious. and your not shutting your thought off. so your always tired.
when i was going through a bad patch i would wake from sleeping and have a panic attack. I'm a runner when i panic so i jump straight up and then run.
i get numbness got it so b ad in a panic that both arms were painfully numb. your eyes and disorientation are more than likely from been half asleep and panic
ing. I'm similar in a panic attack x x

22-03-11, 23:09
Thank you.
I've never felt anything like what happened last night, it was terrible. It felt like the icing on the cake for me. It's very reasurring to know that you have been through something similar, because I felt so bad. I even rang the NHS helpline, and the health advisor I spoke to before the actual nurse wanted to call an ambulance! That made me feel better, lol ;) :). xx

22-03-11, 23:31
Hi there
hope you are feeling a lIttle better now. Listen you are suffering from extreme anxierty, this can make you feel utter terrior I know I've had exactly the same experiance as you and it's horrible at night time, so I can't even imagine how you must feel on your own but you have to remember, nothing bad will happen to you, you have to try and completly take your mind off this, your heat is pounding when you get up because 1. You are extremely tired and 2. Being in the house with no fresh air or exercise can make you feel this way. Tomorrow try to do some exercise if you can get rid of all that excess adrenerlin if you can, call or meet up with a friend and tell them how you are feeling, it's good to talk about things. Do not google! Really try to distract yourself from this and take care.

P.s. I'd feel completly numb if I'd woken up in sheer terrior and tried to run away as the blood wouldn't have enough time to circulate to your legs! Don't worry yourself x

23-03-11, 01:31
Jj8, thank you for the response. What I'm finding very strange is that last year I was SO much worse... or at least that's how it feels. Before I couldn't funtion at all, this time I can, but it's just a bit of a struggle in comparison. I used to wake up in sheer terror but this is the first time I'd experienced anything as bad as what happened last night.
I'm going to try my best tomorrow. Hopefully there won't be anymore scary episodes tonight...
