View Full Version : worried...

22-03-11, 22:32
Im taking 10mg Cipralex for my anxiety/panic, ive been on it for just over 4 weeks now (was on 5mg for 3 of those weeks) and have been feeling much better...
I had 24 hour bug yesterday, and have still felt a bit ill today, im also feeling very tired, but ive noticed its made my anxiety/panic come back (not as bad as it was before i started on the tablets) anyway now ive noticed, just between my boobs, my chest hurts when pressed and now im panicking thinking its something awful. It doesnt hurt any other time and its only when i press not when i just touch it. I just have this horrible feeling of dread :(

Im sure i had the same thing a while ago...

Im just wondering could this just be my anxiety/panic?

Or do i need to see a doctor?

Thanks for any advice!!

23-03-11, 01:15
If you are really worrying, do go and see a doctor for reassurance. I hope you feel better soon.