View Full Version : Anyone cured their chronic lightheadedness? I need some hope..

23-03-11, 10:03

Just wondering if any of you who suffer from 24/7 lightheaded feeling ever got better? I've had it for weeks now and some days are worse than others, but it's always there..sitting down isn't too bad, but walking is bad. I've had blood tests (all fine), got an MRI scan next week, was meant to be today but I had to change it. The doc doesn't think it's a tumor, but anxiety related..thing is I've tried to feel positive but it's an endless circle.

I've tried everything, different vitamins, chinese herbs etc. I'm just worried that I have this forever, I can't enjoy exercise like I used to and I fear that the doctors will soon wash their hands of me..

It's really getting me down..


23-03-11, 10:12
I had a bout of this, went to chiropractor, and he said possibly caused by constant tension in my neck and shoulders, and that this affects the flow of blood, and also leads to you shallow breathing, so gave me some exercises, and it has slowly eased, also changed my pillow for one designed for people with bad necks.Hope this helps, and you are feeling better soon

23-03-11, 10:38
I did same as Maz above.. Mine was found to be caused by shoulder impingement and very tense trapezius muscle.

23-03-11, 10:42
Think there's actually loads of reasons you could get light-headed through anxiety. I always get light-headed if I my stress levels increase for any reason. Could be tension/overbreathing/faster pulse - don't know, probably all of these.

It's curable. You need to relax and take things slow, make sure you are breathing slowly, do some gentle exercise like yoga or walking. Running up and down might now make you feel too much better but gentle exercise might help

23-03-11, 12:09
I was constantly lightheaded for about a year. When I got over the worst of my anxiety it started to go away. I still get it now from time to time but that's only when I'm REALLY anxious. For the first year I was soooooo worked up with anxiety that I'm not surprised I was light headed, I was overbreathing and just constantly on my guard that something bad would happen. It's definitely something you won't have forever. When you get a hold of your anxiety it will ease, then go away.

23-03-11, 12:45
Thanks guys..really nice to have some positive messages.

Interesting about the pillow..funny thing is, I've been waking up with a stiff neck the past few weeks..maybe a new pillow will help things along.

I will try and keep the faith..also will look into a chiropractor next

23-03-11, 13:14

absolutely agree with the pillow idea. I have this awful feeling a lot too.
I tend to sleep on too many pillows for chest problems so my neck is misaligned if I turn over . I can tell difference now between anxiety dizziness and my neck muscles in bad alignment. I cant look up for example . and the base of my neck crunches[Carl this is age related :blush:]
So many nerves and blood vessels in this small area .
I would try a good support pillow ....not to high ...it may well help a lot .
I have memory foam mattress and it is spectacular for helping sleep by the way .got to be a good one though at least 3 inches thick . coudnt get away with the pillows .....but google and see what is said on feedback sites [argos good one ]
take care x

23-03-11, 13:22
forgot to say [hell I hate this fog brain !]
my son had a lot of neck trouble ...............spaciness and such.
he went for physio and eventually a chiropracter when he was home for the summer ...............lots of exercises to do which he did faithfully .realigning his spine .....success. he spends a lot of time on computers through work and developed bad habits .also old sport injury had made him hold his body out of sinc not noticeable to the eye. it has helped hugely .

24-03-11, 09:16
Interesting thanks for that. Yeah my back is always stiff on the left side, I had a few problems years ago (went to see a chiropracter) maybe it's related. I'm starting to get tingling again over my face today..hopefully it's just anxiety.

08-08-15, 19:34
I was constantly lightheaded for about a year. When I got over the worst of my anxiety it started to go away. I still get it now from time to time but that's only when I'm REALLY anxious. For the first year I was soooooo worked up with anxiety that I'm not surprised I was light headed, I was overbreathing and just constantly on my guard that something bad would happen. It's definitely something you won't have forever. When you get a hold of your anxiety it will ease, then go away.

How did you manage your anxiety?