View Full Version : Please help me

23-03-11, 10:33
i cant get through this one alone and no one seems to know whats wrong... ive never had trouble sleeping before but since christmas its been awful... it started with jolting awake just as i was nodding off which i know is anxiety.. lately though, thats stopped and i just keep waking up in the night, usually around 5am sometimes about 3:30am... i open my eyes and everything is so blurred almost to the point of double vision and sort of shaky and distorted.. i blink a few times and sight returns to normal but it leaves my heart racing and i sweat... in the morning i wake up and my sight is normal, not blurred.. its just in the night.. please tell me what you think... im too scared to go for an eye test incase they find a tumor .... has anyone else had this before?? it was just now and again but lately its almost every night :weep::weep: do you think its a brain problem... im so scared and fed up worrying about going to bed!!

23-03-11, 11:29
The fact you're worrying about going to bed is probably making these things happen.

Like, I'm scared of certain numbers, one of them being 13, so EVERY single night I'd wake up at 03:13 and this went on for months! I've heard a lot of people complain about waking every night at the same sort of time for a period of time to be honest, anxious and non anxious people.

The fact you get anxious about going to bed and waking up at the same sort of time every night makes you kind of insta-panic when you do wake up because you're probably expecting these horrible symptoms which makes them happen.

The best thing you can do to be honest is be brave and go for an eye test, it will put your mind 100% at rest about a brain tumor hopefully so you can start to recognise your symptoms as anxiety and tacklet them that way. :)

Hope this helped a little bit. xx

23-03-11, 21:51
hi, thanks for replying :hugs:

i know i really need to make myself go for an eye test but dont think i can... im so fed up with worrying all day about bed time... feel so sad and tired ... do you think if it was anything worse (the dreaded tumor) i would have the vision problems all through the day too?

23-03-11, 22:08
I get this when extra stressed, I found a slepping pill helpful but obviously talk to your GP first.

Its annoying but it is anxiety.

23-03-11, 22:21
do you ?? its so nice to hear someone else has the same.. is it exactly the same thing? just in the night but otherwisw fine? maybe a sleeping pill would help cause if i didnt wake in the night i spose it wouldnt be happening!! i hate all this crap.. wouldnt it be nice not to worry.. thanku sooooo much for repling.. it really helps :winks: xxx

23-03-11, 22:22
sounds like good old anxiety to me and maybe a bit of depression as well, classic symptoms especially waking in the early hours. Really is not something dodgy, most of us who suffer anxiety have a 'health' focus, belive me I have had AIDS loads of times and well over 100 coronary's plus a multitude of other equally horrific illness'.

Get down to your GP and get yourself sorted. I say this in virtaully every response because it was for me the best thing I ever did, aknowledging the problems and getting treatment for it. It gave me my life back.

Please don;t waste your time looking for an 'instant cure' that promises the world. Anxiety is a debilitating condition that needs proper treatment, whether it be meds, CBT/psychotherapy/relaxation etc ditto for depression. The biggest hurdle you face is aknowledgment once you've donr that and sought treatment life really does get MUCH better and you will learn to tame the beast
Best wishes

23-03-11, 22:33
do you ?? its so nice to hear someone else has the same.. is it exactly the same thing? just in the night but otherwisw fine? maybe a sleeping pill would help cause if i didnt wake in the night i spose it wouldnt be happening!! i hate all this crap.. wouldnt it be nice not to worry.. thanku sooooo much for repling.. it really helps :winks: xxx

not a problem :) And yes its annoying, I found the sleeping pill made me so tired that I didnt wake like that anymore and got more sleep.

23-03-11, 22:45
did you have the blurry/double vision thing too?? sorry to keep going on but i just wanna hear its normal when your in this anxious state :weep:

23-03-11, 23:30
did you have the blurry/double vision thing too?? sorry to keep going on but i just wanna hear its normal when your in this anxious state :weep:

Tbh, I have this quite a lot of the time, whether anxious or not!

24-03-11, 00:12
Hi darcy, I've had this every night for the last 3 years.. it's been absolutely horrendous, and I also dread bed. I have the blurred vision, racing heart and terrible sweating too. I've begged numerous gp's to send me for a sleep study, but they've all refused. I'm now taking venlafaxine and zopiclone, which I really can't do without. They do help a little, but I still wake too many times, sometimes screaming :( I'm menopausal which makes everything so much worse. I really don't know what the answer is or if there is an answer, but I guess we just have to keep fighting... what choice have we got? Just know that you're not alone in this nightmare x