View Full Version : im so angry now grr

23-03-11, 10:46
Im so annoyed with my stupid symptoms :mad: i just want them to stop!!!!!
Its taken me almost 3 years to accept my ectopics are part of life's little hiccups and that they are in no way related to my mums death at a young age from heart attack.

That 3 years have been very tough, mentally and physically never mind the impact on my marriage and other relationships and i thought recently just maybe everything was going to be ok...... then woosh- more and more sypmtoms :scared15:

Im trying to cope with the constant lightheadedness and get past it like ive done with the ectopics -but now ive got this damn internal trembling almost constantly.....i wake up in the middle of the night/morning and my whole body feels like its slightly trembling on the inside, it stops me from getting back to sleep and its virtually impossible to ignore!!! I can hold out my hands and see no flicker of a tremble yet inside its there!!!! And its there almost 24/7 and im very worried that ive got some terrible disease - the doctor says its anxiety!

I also "feel" my blood circulating round my veins - i mean what the hell is that about?!?!?!?!

Ive some weird things with my vision - if i turn my head round suddenly sometimes its like it takes a split second for everything to "catch up" i also get this randomly - you know in a movie when it zooms in quickly to something?? i sometimes get that kind of feeling if i look at something. (Ive been to an optition who said everything was ok)

These symptoms are now making me so angry with them!!!


23-03-11, 11:26
Anxiety is tenacious, I find as soon as you learn to cope with symptoms new ones come up to try and drag you back down again.

paula lynne
23-03-11, 11:33
Hi Linda, I get exactly the same as you, I totally empathise love! Im grateful for the days when its not so bad, I appreciate those moments of respite, even if its for a few hours. Sending you a hug today :bighug1:

linda a
27-04-11, 02:41
hi iam glad i read ur post i have the same thing lightheaded 24/7 sometimes feel like im m oving but not and the vsion thing yes i have that exact same feeling like when i look around it takes a min to catch up freaky its been bad all day