View Full Version : I really need to ask this otherwise i will google!!

23-03-11, 11:36
And i dont want to google!!

I'll ry to keep it short, im just a little concerned about a few things, i have left chest pain, but high up, not in the middle, and left shoulder pain and left armpit pain and left side of my back hurts a bit plus i think i have a pulled muscle in the centre of my back between my shoulder blades as it feels a bit stiff.

Ive had this since yesterday morning so what im worried about is im hainvg a heart attack, or im about to! although it doesnt hurt as such, just feels odd and a bit tender!

the thing is my anxious mind is saying heart attack but my rational mind is saying its because of my laptop! you see i havent used my laptop for a week because i was without internet connection so havent bothered but as soon as i sat down yesterday morning after getting the internet connected i noticed the pain and if im honest and ignore my anxious mind im pretty sure i had this pain before when using the laptop. you see i sit on the left side of the sfa with the laptop on the arm of the sofa and my left arm kinda hanging over the side soi i guess i sit a bnit twisted and strangely.

So my question is, is it likely that this pain is because of me sitting in a silly position and maybe pulled a muscle or somehting or is it a heart problem?!

I know this sounds silly but i have to ask you guys because o really dont want to google but im home alone at the moment so i dont have hubby here to reassure me like he usually does!

Im 27 on friday and really want to stop worrying about this before then as i dont want to be anxious on my birthday! plus its hubbys birthday tomorrow so i dont want to ruin his day either!!


23-03-11, 11:42
Sounds like it's definatley your muscles to me. I always sit in stupid positions, it's doing that that gave me health axniety in the first place lol!

I used to sit leaning on my left elbow, hand on jaw, then one day after months of abusing my muscles this way I had some very painful muscle spasms that I mistook for a heart attack. I had muscle pain all down my left arm, left chest, left side of jaw, left shoulder blade for months afterwards, which only convinced me that I had a heart problem more!

Bad posture is the cause of a lot of muscular aches and twitches. It really doesn't sound like your heart hun. xx

Edit! Please PLEASE don't Google! I'm literally begging you lol, Dr Google is NOT a reliable medical source. He shouldn't be beleived at all. x

23-03-11, 11:45
Thank you so much for replying xx

It helps when someone else can tell you your ok, if that makes sense, i can just about manage to keep my rantional head on but sometimes its quite hard and i try so hard not to freak out yet that can make it worse!

I will have a lovely long soak in the bath and see if that eases it, thank you xx

23-03-11, 11:46
Sounds like a plan! Hot baths are miracle workers :)

Hope it eases it up for you a bit xx

23-03-11, 12:01
Am terrible when I get any aches or pains :( and I go straight to google :( which is the worse thing to do as then I find things about major illness or bugs etc and then I totally freak out !! It does however sound like its from the way u have been sitting etc,,,, I usually go like that when sitting for a while etc just try to relax don't be like me and dwell and think about it to much I have abdomen pains right now since I ate breakfast and I can't stop panicking about it and thinking n thinking why do I feel like this why like that etc and the main reason is am constipated that's why am feeling all the pains an aches but my diet is poor :( I no once I sort out my diet n that I will sort all the IBS symptoms out but for now I will worry n worry xx
Try to RELAX & NOT DWELL so much xx