View Full Version : Whats this now!!

23-03-11, 16:58
I cant swallow food properly it seems to get stuck going down,my rib/stomach and underarm area are all tight and sore..im panicking..im really heading back down the slippery slope of losing it again..can stress cause this??? i had a upper endoscopy last Aug/Sept and it showed slight inflammation..can anybody help?

23-03-11, 17:21
I cant swallow food properly it seems to get stuck going down,my rib/stomach and underarm area are all tight and sore..im panicking..im really heading back down the slippery slope of losing it again..can stress cause this??? i had a upper endoscopy last Aug/Sept and it showed slight inflammation..can anybody help?

Hey Sandy,
A few weeks ago I had something similar. It felt like I constantly had something stuck in my throat, it was like it for days and it wasn't until I stopped thinking about it (some other symptoms arose which took my mind of the swallowing!) that it stopped. I'm pretty sure it's just anxiety (bet you're sick of hearing that - I know I am!!!) and nothing to worry about.

Big hugs sweetie
K xxx

23-03-11, 17:34
Hiya,its getting all too much again for me..i cant believe its anxiety,i feel so bad and the pains are awful,my upper part of my body feels tight,like its getting squeezed,is this ok or is it something i should get checked.x

Cristopher M. Bellow
23-03-11, 17:48
Hey, sounds really painful to me hearing about your endoscopy. I don't think there should be any reason to worry about, as I feels its may be due to the Endoscopy.
Wish you good health!

23-03-11, 18:22
My endoscopy was last year so its not that thats causing it..i feel theres something in my back..