View Full Version : Bad Few Days

07-04-06, 18:45
Hi, i introduced myself the other day as im new to this site. But not been able to post anything till now since. For 2 days i have had chest pain after getting into a panic over nothing, and the more i had the pain the more i was convinved i was dying im still getting these ectopic beats also, they are so scary and i also get tingling in my arm, had the lump in my throat also the other day , it just seems really weird i have not suffered like this for over 10 - 12 years ago, then i had a bad time in january after a really ansty virus and this has all stemed from there, do u or anybody sometimes feel they are really going mad, i dont know how i managed to go to work the past week but i did, i keep telling myself i have to go as i will get into that circle of not going out, i was like that before for 2 years what a nightmare huh. I have been reading lots of things on here and i know you are all out there with the same symptoms which is a comfort but dont stop your own if you know what i mean.

07-04-06, 20:45
Hi hun, thought id post this as ive not long been back from the hospital.. My sister got admitted at 400am this morning with chest pains,tingling down her arm,face etc... nothing found,so like i told her ( as she been stressed lately) they said it was a pulled muscle in her back that triggerd a panic attack.... it is scarey even when you know what it is

Fight or Flight? im going to Fight it every step of the way!

07-04-06, 20:54
Hi there, am so sorry you are feeling so bad right now, good old anxiety eh? It is so difficult to believe that being anxious and panicky can cause these awful feelings....but it does. As you say, you have beat this before and you willl beat it again, it is fantastic that you are still working, there would be no point sitting at home and letting your mind run even wilder!You are doing so well by continuing to work, once you stop being afraid of the symptoms, they will one by one slowly disappear, keep reading everything on this site, it does really help to know you are not alone. take care and keep in touch.

07-04-06, 21:04
thanks for your kind word both of you it is tough b ut it is nice knowing you got ppl that understand

08-04-06, 16:58
Hi Shrimper

Just wanted to say welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.
