View Full Version : Hello all

23-03-11, 19:37
I have spent a few days reading posts on here and its such a nice little supportive community that you opperate!

I have suffered with anxiety for as long as i can remember, since i was 15ish, I used to feel nauseus all the time and i remember my mum taking me to the doctors who basically asked if i was being bullied (i wasnt) and therefore told me to just get over it. From that day on i have suffered, although sometimes i have it undercontrol - not completley but okish. It has also over the years appeared in the form of the constant shakes, and more recently IBS symptoms with a constant pain in my side and feeling sick.
For a long time i didnt dare admitt that i had a problem, i just sucked on a mint and tried to get over the sickly feeling which i usually managed. However since the IBS I have not managed to cope it has been an awful year trying (and failing) to manage it.

In novemeber i started Cit however I took one tablet it made me sick and i was too scared to take it again! So decided to just "pull myself together" well 4 months on and i have admitted defeat. Been back to my doctor and have been re prescribed cit but at a lower dose of 10mg to start with!

I took my first tablet last night and I can honestly say i have felt terrible! I was awake at 3am feeling what i can only describe as wierd!!!!!! I have had extreme nausea all day and had to miss work (already had so much time off with IBS i cant really afford to be off as they are looking at giving me a warning for absense levels) the nasuea is horrble as thats my main anxiety syptom anyway and the cit makes it worse. Also the worse unshiftable headache ALL day.

Nightmare really, but i know i have to take anther tablet tonight and i am dreading it!

I know i have to hang in there and ride it out but i need to feel better, i need to get back to work and i am moving house next week so cant afford to be feeling this pants.

love the forum tho guys, so informative and supportive. xx

23-03-11, 19:39
Hi Jemlou

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-03-11, 21:15
Post removed by author

31-03-11, 15:33
Welcome to the forum :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
31-03-11, 21:19
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
31-03-11, 21:22
Welcome Jemlou, nice to have you with us :welcome: