View Full Version : Quit Smoking

23-03-11, 20:10
Hey all!
I am almost 23, been smoking for about 9 years and have been thinking of quitting for the last few months, then gave it a shot....I am now on day 10 smoke free!
I am using nicotine patches as cold turkey is a no no, that would increase my anxiety!
I am wondering if anyone else has found it more difficult in the 2nd week of no smoking, I find I am stressed easily, and can see my anxiety symptoms creeping in more often which doesn't help, as i would usually reach for a fag first to try and calm down.
Today I have been soooo close to having just one more fag, but I know I will kick myself for doing it and would probably go back to smoking :( The problem is, I have ALWAYS enjoyed smoking, and really believe that wouldn't change no matter how many further years I would smoke. So thought while I had time off work and painting to do in the house, why not give it a go!
Anyone who is quitting smoking got any tips or suggestions to stay clear from slipping up? My panic attacks have gone away for a few months which has been great!!!, so feel I'm at my strongest to give it a go...but can feel myself deteriorating and don't want them to creep back in :/
Any advice would be appreciated!! As feel like I may slip up soon :(
Thanks x

23-03-11, 21:16
Hiya, I smoked for 28 years but gave up cold-turkey soon after my panic attacks started. I kind of knew that if I didn't give myself a fighting chance I would always be a slave to nicotine. My anxiety was unbelievable in the first 3 weeks after quitting! I just had to keep telling myself what a positive step I was taking.. It's been 5 years now, and I am so proud of myself :) Up until the time I stopped I had been kidding myself that cigarettes were my "friend", with me through thick and thin, where no-one else had been! I realized that this is a myth that a lot of addicts tell themselves :(
The reality is that good friends don't generally try to kill us!
There are quite a few supplements you can take to help with the craving, and I found that long walks were really good.
I used to tell myself that I didn't want to be a smoker anymore, and that only I had the power to help myself... no-one could stop for me. I wish you luck, stay strong cos your body needs you to :) x

Hazel B
24-03-11, 20:21
I quit after anxiety and health worries started, also seeing a beloved Uncle die from lung cancer made me realise what a mug I'd been smoking for so long. The first 3 weeks were the worst, I went cold turkey and I had to set my mind every day not to smoke. It's now 10 months and I don't regret stopping. I did enjoy smoking and still like to smell fags and cigars when I walk past an outside cafe but I won't go back.

Well done for stopping, don't give in, it will be one of the best things you can do for your health. Nicotine actually makes anxiety worse in the long term, I thought fags calmed me down but they made me worse. I also gave up caffeine at the same time - the headaches were awful and I now miss caffeine more!

I tell myself every morning that I won't smoke and then if I crave one, I tell myself to wait 10 minutes and that works for me as it passes after 10 mins.

Good luck!