View Full Version : Has anyone ever used the priory for treatment?

23-03-11, 21:19
I still haven't heard from my refferal on the NHS, work have yet to sort out my refferal to occupational health and I've had enough.
I have private medical insurance with work, which I'm sure I'd have to up because it's on the basis level but does anyone know about the cost and how things work etc?

23-03-11, 22:12
Yes, I have and I found them pretty terrible. The treatment cost around £5000 for 12 months and it did not help at all.

They are very expensive and all (I saw 3 different psychiatrists) were totally up their own a****.

Not sure if thats helpful but thats my experience with them.

macc noodle
24-03-11, 00:30
Hi, not too sure how your company medical insurance works but I think that generally they will not cover pre-existing conditions within a period of time of your joining or increasing your cover.

Well worth investigating though I should think.

Only experience of Priory is thru a friend who went in several times for alcohol related probs and they were not very good (but then I think that alcohol related illness is way different from mental health issues anyway).


24-03-11, 01:14
Like Dahlia said, most of the psychiatrists work for the NHS as well. I've never been treated privately personally but I think the Doctors and medication would just be the same, although your surroundings would be a lot more comfortable - your own room, decent food, tv in your room - but is it really worth all that money?

24-03-11, 17:13
Thanks for the info guys, I may as well just stick it out then. I'll ask my doc when I see him on the 1st if he can hurry things along and that it's getting urgent.