View Full Version : Headaches

24-03-11, 07:32
Sorry this is another post about my headaches.
I keep waking up with banging headaches at the back of my head and my neck keeps going into spasm
I have a phobia about my blood pressure and am too scared to have it taken. Im worried this might be the cause or could it be stress .
really scared - please advise .

paula lynne
24-03-11, 09:58
Hi pb, it definately sounds muscular, maybe your neck muscles going in spasm is causing these headaches. Dont worry about your BP for the moment ok....see your GP for a BP check is the best......as far as the headaches go, try a muscle rub, or get someone to rub your neck to release the tension and relax the muscles and see ow that goes. Obviously if this continues, see your GP for advice.

24-03-11, 16:08

I have white coat syndrome and my BP is always high when I go to the doctors. So I bought my own monitor and do it at home several times a week and it is always significantly lower. Stress can cause tension in your neck and headaches. I suffer from them a lot and have just done a self referral to physio which is helping a little.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

24-03-11, 21:01
Thank you for your replies it helps.
This blood pressure phobia is hard to cope with.
Does anyone with high blood pressure have my symptons ..

24-03-11, 21:15
high blood pressure would cause you sympotoms but it would have to be massivley high hunni . you say its on a morning. how are you laying..
only reason i ask is my friedn as arthritis big time and went to physio with her once abd they were asking her about her pillows and told her that some of the pain in her neck shoulders are from that and this is cuasing her to get more headaches then usually. xx

24-03-11, 21:28
Thank you, logic tells me its probably stress , plus i grind my teeth big time. Just feel so scared.

paula lynne
24-03-11, 21:35
Hi again, as an ex-neurosurgical nurse I have background knowledge I guess. I also suffer with high BP, and have been taking Lisinopril 20mg for the past 3 years.
There are 2 problems here, your stiff neck and headaches, and your BP worries.

Firstly, go to your GP about the headaches. Im sure they are muscular, but let your GP diagnose.

Secondly, do you have hypertension, if so, are you taking meds? Is it controlled?

I think its very difficult to determine what is normal BP for you, it depends on a base line reading, as any professional will know. From that base line, any changes in BP could be examined then. Please try not to worry, but I think you need to see your GP if the headaches and muscular spasm continue, but dont forget to try the muscle rub, and massage, first. Take care, let me know how you get on xxxx