View Full Version : Drs today...oh im scared.

24-03-11, 08:13
Im seeing a doctor today about my sore back and im terrified they will have alarm bells ringing when i tell them my symptoms,then want bloods etc..sorry just wanted to rant.x:sofa:

24-03-11, 08:27
Well done Sandy and good luck, you'll be absolutely fine. Let us know how you get on.

K xxxx

24-03-11, 09:45
thats great Sandy, ask about your meds while you are there xxx

24-03-11, 12:53
Hey Sandy,

How did you get on?

24-03-11, 15:26
Im not convinced,right,i told her my back was sore and knees and that my legs felt funny,like achey and restless,also my feet were really cold,she asked if id done anything to hurt my back,i said no but i have been spending hours on the floor kneeling on my laptop..she then got me on the bench/table whatever you call it,id to strip my bottom half off,she tested my pulses on my feet/ankles and then got me to do some bending with my legs and knees..she said my pulses were good and she wasnt too concerned,she told me to stop kneeling and do so stretching and keep mobile..im scared and still worried.x

24-03-11, 17:18
how are you feeling now Sandy?
if your doc had been worried my love she would have taken those feared blood samples . you have had examination from medical expert :hugs:
You are in a spiral of horrible thinking.....and heck we know all about that on here :weep:
but despite your past family trauma ...................you got to trust xxxxx
anxiety has the most complex range of awful symptoms . We dont know what to believe anymore .
But I always remember an old wise friend saying to me when the breakdown came and I was so lost .
Nicky ......................it took probably years to get you to this point of distress .
So dont expect recovery to be immediate . It will take a while ok ?
keep strong lady xx ................and believe the health professionals . they are in the main fairly clued up and wont let anything miss them in terms of physical illness diagnosis these days .

24-03-11, 17:38
Im scared to believe Snowgoose incase they are wrong again..id to strip of from waist down and she said the pulses in my feet were normal, again stress was mentioned and ive to see her next week,my feet yesterday were hot then today cold as i type they are ok..if something sinister were present would my symptoms change from day to day??? x

24-03-11, 17:48
hello Sandy :)

no they would not change day to day .... and your doc would pick up anything not right xx

we focus so much when we feel so ill with anxiety .......and adrenaline and cortisol hormones affect so much of our body functioning ....every organ it seems .
Sandy ..............this is health anxiety love ......and I dont say this lightly .
you need to see doc again for more help to cope .
but so many of us understand . you are suffering of course xxxxx.........but it isnt what you think body wise :hugs:

25-03-11, 14:17
Ive been crying all day and cannot face the world..im so scared of all my pains..my laptop is broken so im having to use the library to get online..x

25-03-11, 17:26
Oh chick, I don't know what to say that will reassure you only that if your GP was worried in the slightest she would have referred you or asked for blood tests etc. In this day and age they will not risk being sued for negligence so even the slightest worry and they would have wanted to look into it more.
Did you talk about your meds whilst you were there? I think changing what you are on would be a good start and then hopefully the anxiety will start to ease.

Sending big hugs to you hun
K xxx

P.S. I'm always here if you want to chat (or on FB) xxx