View Full Version : Can someone please answer me - thanks

24-03-11, 10:02
So desperate, was on Citalopram for 5 weeks, terrible side effects, doc put me on Setraline, on Day 15 now been feeling more anxious than ever, hypervenetilation all day. Triage physcologist has told me to switch to this other drug (cant think of name of it name) but havent got much faith because he seems to look things up in a book, then doc phoned me last night & I asked him what he thought because most people tell me maybe I need to increase dosage & he just seemed in a rush & said do what triage doc said but triage nurse was asking ME for me to decide. Is this normal....HELP - VERY ANXIOUS

24-03-11, 17:59
Hi there,

I took Citalopram for 5 days, it was horrific for me, I then tried Sertraline and it just made me so ill,the doctor took me off it rapidly. I then had Escitolpram (Cipralex). Started on a low dose of 5mg because of my previous experiences! and then increased to 10mg after 10 days.

It has been very good for me, few side effects for about 2 weeks but bearable and I just tried to take each day at a time (thats all we can do). There were times at first that I thought things were hopeless and I couldn't see the light but gradually it did get better.. slowly but surely.

Had a bit of a blip recently but again just had to ride it out and am starting to feel lot better again.

I am about 2 months in now, its been a long road but cipralex has definately been good for me.

Don't lose heart, what one medication works for some but not for others. You will find one that works for you but they will all take some time to get into your system and have a positive effect. Between 2-4 weeks is a good guide, you should feel some improvement by then but it will be slow and hardly noticeable at first.

Good luck :hugs:

24-03-11, 19:02
Hi I've been exactly where you are now. I've been on Cit twice same feelings each time made the anxiety and despair beyond anything but I stuck it out and came through the other side. My problems came when I tried to come off, I was told to go back on having tapered down and again the anxiety went through the roof 8-weeks in I couldn't bear it and went back and was put on sertaline. Again first few days things were hard but in the last week I've started to feel some relief which is amazing as I have a busy job and been so hard to keep going and not bail out. I suppose my advice is don't despair so hard when your in the maze I know I'm just starting to see the way out. The meds we take are really powerful and unfortunately do take time for our bodies to accept, and everyone is different. In adjusting to them they heighten the very reason we take them as our body reacts and gets used to what we take. I know it's hard but there is a med that will work for you and know it's hard when you just want some relief. All the best and remember you will be yourself again soon and your not on your own

24-03-11, 20:07
familiar with this one. Stertraline was horrendous for me, made my anxiety much worse. Ditto venlafaxine.
However i was OK with citalopram. I have had most success with seroxat (20 years)
What i've found thoughover the years is that there are some ssri that are good for anxiety and others that are better for depression, the ones that are better for depression seem to esculate anxiety, Citaloram and seroxat are good for anxiety, prozac, stert, and venla better for depression rubbish for anxiety.
I have been on and off the meds for years, but now when i go on them i half or quater whatever the prescribed dose is and titrate it up over a period of say 3 weeks, this really does reduce the side effects, you do not get that massive surge in anxiety that you get on the full dose, nor the sicknesss and insomnia . so for example if you are prescribed 20mgs, take 10mgs or even 5 and work up.

Anxiety is a powerful beast and these are powerful drugs, but you know what they say drugs without side effects don't work. It is worth trying a few and sticking with them, because it changed my life