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24-03-11, 10:52
I have various other HA symptoms on and off which can be explained, I think so anyway! :) The one that I'm not too sure about is PVC's or something else?

Basically it only seems to happen when I'm sitting down at my desk at work typing away or staring at the screen/walls. It feels almost like I can't breathe for a split second, that my chest tightens somewhat and that I have numerous really fast heartbeats/thumps in between my heart & throat.

Any ideas peeps? It does only last a few seconds and is once a week if not longer.

Thanks v.much in advance,


24-03-11, 12:12
It definitely sounds like PVC's. I get them all of the time. Scary but harmless. :)

24-03-11, 12:39
Yeah I never get them when exercising or anything, just seems to be when am sitting at my desk at work, weird, VERY weird!

Does sound like PVC's though to everyone yeah?

Worried as per usual :D


24-03-11, 14:27
Oh and another thing - sorry!

Got a cold on Friday 11th March which has only really just shifted. Then had a problem with my wisom teeth last Tuesday (15th) which ALWAYS gives me a sore throat. This then subsided a bit but have been thinking I may have throat cancer and it seems to be getting worse! I know, I'm a NIGHTMARE!

I'm 30 years old, have smoked 2/3 cigarettes IN MY LIFE, the odd Cigar and drink once a week if I'm lucky. No family history of cancer and have been with my bride to be for 6 years.

Am I worrying about nothing!?!

Throat is a bit red but no spots/puss and have a couple of mouth ulcers. Again this has ALWAYS happened when I've had wisdom teeth problems.

Cheers guys (and gals),


25-03-11, 11:44
Anyone!?! I'm kinda at my wits end!?!?!?!
