View Full Version : brain tumor worry?

24-03-11, 12:27
hi everyone,
been a long time posting here but
lately i've been mistaking objects for moving i.e a door handle moving or getting freaked out by the smallest things, like last night i was going to bed walked up the stairs and jumped because i thought there was someone stood next to the banister, turns out it WAS the banister.
i'm very very worried as i think i may have a brain tumor :( i've been having slight head pains aswell but i think its to do with my sinuses but i can't help but worry!
i've been under a lot of stress lately and i just want to know if mistaking objects for doing something is normal? its so worrying xxx

24-03-11, 12:47
hi. id say ure just a bit on edge is all, try relax. its normal to be jumpy and startled easily when on edge or anxious. im sure ure fine. and as soon as u realax all this will go away.