View Full Version : I can't get a good night's sleep!

24-03-11, 12:44
Getting a good nights sleep often sets the tone for the day ahead, this was never a problem for me until a few days ago. Even when I go to bed calm and not anxious I will end up awake within a few hours and then I can't nod off again. I will just like in bed thinking for bloody hours and its really starting to get to me, I'm absolutely shattered at the minute. Tuesday night was horrific, I was nervous because I had an exam the next day so I didn't sleep well at all, I went into College and felt terrible, I passed the exam however which cheered me up a little bit. But if this is going to happen long term I think I will find it hard to control my anxiety.

24-03-11, 18:34
I have had times at which I couldn't sleep. I think the best thing to do is to establish a ritual/routine that you follow before going to bed every night, such as taking a hot bath, watching a bit of TV, reading, etc. But at the same time and in the same way every night. Your body will notice and will soon start relaxing and shutting down for the night without having to work too hard at it. I suppose this would probably help to keep you asleep and more deeply as well. I know what you're going through because I can remember a few periods in my life, mainly in my 20s, when I was so full of anxiety (once during a move, once during exams, once during a stressful time at work), that I literally went for 3-4 days without falling asleep all night. Just laid in bed with my eyes closed and thought about everything too much, tossing and turning. On the positive side, at some point your body gives in and you WILL sleep! Take care and good luck.