View Full Version : REALLY WORRIED

07-04-06, 21:13
Ive just come home from being out and a live band were playing at my local pub i found the lights and noise unbearable and had to come home. im sick of the constant lightheadedness, feeling that im gonna just drop dead (my heads gonna fall off) and the tension, i hate it. im 100% sure i have a brain tumour i wish i knew the symptoms of one. NO WAY IS IT RIGHT to feel how i do day in day out imm more scared then ive ever been before. ive justs started takin g ciprimal or whatever those anti depressants are called, i have been so tried and drained for days now i keepo thinking oh no cancer is developing somewhere or could it just b the anti-d's?

guys u can see im beside myself, my mates are all out enjoying themselves and there i am writing on hear scared that im gonna pass out, can anyone relate to this. i really wann belive my doctor but why do i
have doubts when he has told me 100% its all in your head?

anyone help me?

07-04-06, 21:25
Hi there, sorry you are feeling so awful, firstly, at least you went out, maybe you never lasted the whole night and your friends are still out, but so what? You are going through a bad spell, you do NOT have a brain tumour, and please don't start looking up the symptoms. Your symptoms are anxiety related, and once they appear they frighten us and then the symptoms get worse, it's a simple as that!!! But unfortunately, us sufferers think the worse, brain tumour, cancer the list goes on. You will not pass out, have something to eat, don't worry about the rest of your friends, you will soon be back out there, maybe not tonight, you say you are drained, have a nice relaxing bath, play some music you like anything to take your mind off the awful anxiety feelings, and thats what they are, not cancer/brain tumour, just anxiety. How awful are they though!!!! xxxx

07-04-06, 21:26
Hi Katy.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I used to fear brain tumour but i had all the tests done and i was ok. Its a pretty common fear with anxiety sufferers. Its just because you are feeling so sensitive at the moment that you are picking up on all your bodily reactions and jumping to the worst conclusion.
There are countless anxiety sufferers that feel lightheaded and tense around the neck (me included).
If your doctor felt there was a real risk you could have a serious problem then he would have booked you in for tests.
I totally understand how you feel, im 24 and my friends are all out having a laugh too. You just need to try and stop the worry cycle, its so hard but the only way to feel better.
I really hope you feel better soon
Take care

07-04-06, 21:46
i so know how u feel and it helped me to read about others that (First steps for overcoming Panic and Anxietyknow wats going on}have a look on this part of this website xxxx
Hope it helps and that you feel better soon x x x

"live each day as if it's your last, one day it will be"

07-04-06, 21:52
Hi Katy,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment, i also am sure your symptoms are anxiety related, you say you have just started cipromil, well so have i, i too have felt tierd and drained with the medication the last few days, but stick with them as the symptoms will pass, i havent had Cipromil for the last 2 years but im back on them again and remember feeling like this last time i started on them, but i know the side effects will pass and i will get better and im sure you will too.


Sheik N Shimmy
07-04-06, 21:53
Hi Katy,

Breath properly, relax and trust your doctor. Believe me - I've been where you are and it's all fine now(nearly!).

After a long winter it's the start of Spring and the Summer will be here soon.


Keep On Keepin On