View Full Version : Weight loss- Reassurance needed Please

24-03-11, 15:32
Right here is my new worry !!!
After having various tests this week including blood count etc which have come back normal, I went back to work, not feeling anywhere near 100%, but ok. Then some idiot at work says you've lost weight and knowing that i have lost a few pounds over the last week, which i put down to hardly eating and constantly going to the toilet , well 2-3 times a day i am now panicking again that something has been missed. Is it normal to loose weight 3-4lb in a week ?

Please help this is driving me nuts. xxxxx

24-03-11, 16:42
Please try not to worry - but yes very easy to lose weight when anxious. I lost a whole stone in a matter of weeks last year when I was at the height of my anxiety. I still struggle to maintain my weight and i eat loads. Please relax - your weight lost will be down to your anxiety/panic and this is very common x

24-03-11, 19:39
I agree. If my anxiety levels are high, the weight just drops off me. Like Ambers, I'm trying to put weight on and eat loads but it's so much easier to lose than put back on!!!

Try to relax and get the anxiety under control and I'm sure you'll stop losing weight.

K xx

24-03-11, 19:54
I lost one and a half stone in six weeks, and panicked !! Then reality set back in and i realised i had not been eating properly and being sick etc. . .
Dont worry its very normal to lose weight, try not to think about it too much and you will be fine x x :hugs:

25-03-11, 07:00
When im really stressed, i can lose up to half a stone in a week.
My weight goes up and down with my stress levels. I think alot of people loose weight with anxiety.

25-03-11, 07:33
I have also lost a LOT of weight due to anxiety. Please don't worry about it. :flowers:

25-03-11, 07:42
would it be unusual to lose 5lb in a week ? really worried, i know i shouldn't be as blood tests etc were fine. xx

25-03-11, 07:44
No. I have lost almost 2 stone in 4 weeks and it is definitely due to anxiety.

25-03-11, 08:07
Hi there, yes anxiety is the worst thing for making you loose weight. I lost at least 7 lb in 10 days recently when I was going through a lot of worry and I can't afford to lose any weight at all. Just try your best to eat what you fancy when you fancy it and definately don't go near a set of scales, personally I won't have them in the house because I know as soon as I do I will only have to have lost a 1lb and I'll be panicking like mad. Take care.

25-03-11, 08:42
You have answered your own question :D
You havn,t been eating as much hence the weight loss . I lost 2 stone in a couple of months . Its easy to loose 5 pounds in a week if you arn,t eating . I to was worried but i,ve put most of it back on . Its your Anxiety working over time .



25-03-11, 16:46
At the height of my anxiety before and over christmas I was constantly anxious, little appetite (although I was eating meals) and had loose stools.

I lost 1 and half stone in 6 weeks (and I'm not obese, 13stone to 11.5stone)

3 to 4 pounds in a week is nothing.

Anxiety will increase your metabolism

Reduced appetite obviously lowers the calories you take in

Increased bowel motions means you have a rapid transit, the faster the food moves through your system the less time it has to be absorbed, ergo reduced calorie intake as well.

So yeah 3 to 4 lbs is nothing to worry about when you're suffering anxiety.

When they say 'unexplained weightloss' they mean litterally that, 10% or more total body weight loss when NOTHING has changed. Same appetite, same diet, same level of exercise etc etc

Having anxiety, reduced appetite and increased toilet frequency don't cause 'unexplained weightloss' they cause expected weightloss.

25-03-11, 20:50
I was checking through some old diarys today and had completely forgotten about 2 other occassions in the course of twenty years when stress/anxiety caused weight loss. In 1992 I lost just over 2 stones in 8 months. In 2000 lost just over a stone.. Then in 2008 started comfort eating and put 3 stones on..
In November 2009 anxiety /depression kicked back in and lost 3 stones in 15 months

25-03-11, 20:57
I lose weight too.