View Full Version : really scared today

24-03-11, 16:18
Hi, As you know i found two spot like things in my mouth a couple of days ago and about two weeks ago i had an itchy, dry sore throat. I also have bad bad skin (its cracked, sore, it bleeds when i scrtach without knowing it) it hurts in the bath. Im scared i have strep a or a major disease.
Also my right hand feels like the fingers are over lapping each other, I also have the twisted anke think still and if i run sometimes that can hurt it. I also just got a painful back spasm which made my whole body jolt.
I cant get the thought of cancer out my mind or a major disease.

24-03-11, 16:22
also my back teeth hurt when i eat. and i had a painful tummy ( i get this pain about one day every two weeks and then the next day its still mild) the other day and pain in my left ovary. it hurt to press against tum. My bowels change a lot to, very worried.

24-03-11, 17:35
also my room makes a big noise every 3 seconds or so. its either by my window or on the ceiling. im worried for my own safety.

24-03-11, 18:36
getting my self really worked up :(

24-03-11, 20:14

24-03-11, 20:59
thinking of going to sleep but cant...

24-03-11, 21:31
I'm most scared of my room atm. Even my friend noticed the constat loud noises last week

25-03-11, 06:05
Still worried bout health this morning- same issues

macc noodle
25-03-11, 07:41

Only you can deal with these problems as many other contributors to this forum and your postings have said before.

First step - stop checking yourself and looking for trouble.
Second step - keep on at the docs. to get you the help you need.

We are all behind you hun, it is just that we do not know what to say to you anymore that is of any help as you just seem to keep going round in circles.

I know you can beat this as I have seen some of your other encouraging posts to fellow sufferers on this site which proves you have the insight and knowledge of what needs to be done to fight this illness, it is just time that you tried to do that for yourself.

Try and have a good day and trust in the knowledge that despite having all these horrible symptoms and feelings, you are still fine and will continue to be so, it is "just" the anxiety causing the problems.



26-03-11, 18:54
Thank you. Its so hard to stop checking my self. I have counessling in early April. this evening has been dreadful. Im very scared.
My bowels keep changing. yesterday hard (not much of it) today really soft (a lot of it) sorry if tmi. Also last night in bed it kept making noises and wudnt stop for ages. And i woke and was quite gassy this morning. I also get groaning in throat to. Also on the side of my hand theres a lump type thing which i can feel. Im very scared over this and the ankles.
Im very aware of the problem i have but so many of these things started before i even had anxiety (bowels, chronic stomach pain, ankles etc.)

26-03-11, 20:02
also got painful lymph node under one side of jaw now :(

26-03-11, 21:12
hi hunni,

you have to distract yourself it works it really does your on your comp play games or something anything to stop you thinking bout your body xx

27-03-11, 20:01
Hi. Thanks for the reply. I cant wait until couneslling all though i know it wont be easy. im drving my self mad today ( i dont even feel like ive been anxious today) and i kept yawning in the afternoon. i remember in october i lost 2 stone in weight (now im scared of cancer) ive damaged my skin so badly that i cant even shave my legs without all the cuts bleeding. I also get pain in fingers, gums, cheeks, ovaries, nose, everywere. im so scared im going to die over night. ive never ever had the tiredness things before and most of my other symtopms started before i even had anxiety.

27-03-11, 20:02
also the lumps on hand are hurting now:(

27-03-11, 20:04
i also cough on the air all the time and yesterday a reddish type thing appeared (like when you get white flakes up). also it hurts my chest when i cough or laugh.

27-03-11, 20:16
the last thing is i really dont want to sleep in my room tonight as the window wont stop making creaking noises/other noises that i cant describe. never hear it in any other room or when i sleep round other peoples houses. its just if im in my room.

27-03-11, 21:37
One last thing is one the bottom of one leg, hurts to be in water so bad and has a Brown spot in it. Its also red around it. I have Also had lower Back spasms ( one every ao often since before anxiety) also used to have throat closing up and spasming for a few seconds. So want to go to docs tomoz but cant miss college. Also lower stomaxk wont stop making noises( not hunger noises) and throat did it once to. Last thing is when lying on the field for hLf hour the otherr day i sat up and visión was funny for a while

28-03-11, 06:41
Hi ive scratched my arm in my sleep And its so sore also when i put my top on this morning it hurt because ive got such bad sore skin. Do i see a doctor?

macc noodle
28-03-11, 07:23
Have you got any cream for your skin ? If so, put some on.

If not, see the quack or a chemist and ask them to recommend something to relieve it.

Try wearing some gloves in bed to stop you scratching yourself.
