View Full Version : Shopping

24-03-11, 16:35
39 year old male scared of shopping, I wouldnt be the first man afraid of Tesco. Today I went shopping for food, 10 days into my new prescription for citalopram, I took my 4yr old daughter after nursery shopping with me on the basis I would distract myself and not run away because I would need to look after her.

Like a little lamb she held my hand all the way around, I sweated, I shook, sometimes I felt like running away but I eventually got to the checkout.

Shaking and sweating my daughter helped me to put stuff on the conveyor belt and then she helped me throw it all in the trolley. Still shaking, sweating and going bright red in the face I paid for the shopping, thanked the cashier and started to leave with my beautiful 4yr helper.

On the way out a man much younger than myself jumped out in front of my trolley and proceeded to start trying to sell me something. Like a rabbit in headlights it took me a few seconds to respond.
Before I could my 4yr old pushed the trolley into the salesmans legs and I said please move and no thank you.

We went to the car and put the shopping away and I could have cried, not because I was upset but that I had done my shopping and if there's a god, thank you very much for my 4yr old daughter because she didnt know, but in so many ways she helped her dad today and even though I will have rough days coming up I shall remember how my 4yr old helped me overcome my anxiety and panic this day and I will recover and I promise to give her a day in the future that will be the best day ever for her because she deserves it.

It is now later in the day and my anxiety is kicking in a touch but I know Im on the right road and I hope every single one of you out there that is suffering with anxiety and panic can relate to the relief I felt that with support I made it in and out of tesco and I am still alive !!:yahoo:

24-03-11, 16:44
bravo well done :D x

24-03-11, 16:50
hey you :hugs:

a huge hug and well done .....and a secret kiss to your 4 year old from all on NMP. [taken liberty here I know .....but we are all pals ] x

so pleased for you ................another demon squashed mate .
you will feel knackered no doubt............but reckon you deserve a high five :yesyes:...............and a can tonight of your fave brew .xxx
just time folks and belief we can and we will !!!

24-03-11, 17:08
Fantastic SC :yahoo: - and it's only going to get easier the more times you do it and the more the drugs kick in so keep at it xxx

24-03-11, 17:12
Very beautiful! :) Brave to you hun :D xxxx

24-03-11, 19:59
Your little girl sounds beautiful, you must be a fantastic daddy :)

I totally empathise with the shopping anxiety....it's horrid i know. My little boy provides my distraction most of the time, cuddles and giggles galore. Kids eh....they stress you out but they keep you going at the worst times!! x

24-03-11, 20:17
very well done :D

24-03-11, 20:20
thanks for your kind words people, stress and panic disorder I have suffered with over the last 12 years, seroxat twice and this is my third time on cit, my recent decline in health again seemed to trigger a lot more social anxiety this time and thats why im struggling at places like shopping and school etc. Och but to hell with it, I will get better again like I have before.
Shes my youngest daughter, ive got daughters aged 20, 19, 16 and 14 and a son 8 as well and a grandaughter 1, lol help im mad, im not waving im drowning !!, only joking, little one was great today, could'nt have done it without her and I need to do it because my wife is back working nights tonight so need to be getting about to keep the household ticking along.

24-03-11, 22:05
Well done to you and your daughter :D

I no how hard it is in supermarkets, its my worse place for my anxiety and panic attacks.

mandie x

25-03-11, 02:48
What a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it. :)

Well done to you for being so brave and conquering Tescos... and well done to your special little helper! Gold stars all round I'd say. :yesyes:

25-03-11, 21:50
Excellent news SC - so pleased for you! I tell you having children helps soo much with this disorder...when Im with my son (2 and half) he just keeps me so focused and I cant allow myself to let it get the better of me! I think because we know in back of our heads that we have to look after them too - keep going its all good :winks: