View Full Version : 2 colds within 2 weeks

24-03-11, 18:24

Is I usually get 2 colds a year. One in the summer when the weather is changing from the cold and one in the winter when the weather is changing from the warm.

I had a cold 2 weeks ago (headache, runny nose, aches and pains, cough, bad throat) and thought nothing of it. It lasted around about a week and then went.

I then had a week where I was fine but this week I have caught another cold. No headache this time but a blocked nose and really bad aches and pains.

The only reason I can think of i that since July last yar I was taking multivitimins. I decded last week to stop taking them as Im sure taking them for the length I have been was doing me no good. So last week I had none and I am thinking maybe thats why I have this cold this week? My immune system just couldnt cope?

My mind is running away with me a bit today with all sorts of other reasons why I might have another cold. Is it normal to get another cold so quick after the first one?

I go to the gym and exercise 3-4 times a week and eat 4-5 portions of fruit everyday. I get a good nights sleep also. This cold that came on Sunday night is showing no signs of letting up yet.


24-03-11, 19:29
You are not alone!!! I had 3 colds within 4 weeks, each time one cleared up, within a few days I had another :weep:. My kids bring a lot of bugs home from pre-school but I normally don't catch them, I guess I was just unlucky!!!

K xxx

little kyle
25-03-11, 03:48
Anxiety and Stress lower your immune system apparently so......

25-03-11, 04:50
Hi. I do not have HA so I googled for you. Basically colds are viruses and all colds can be different. So having one cold does not give you resistance to another.

The human body can never build up resistance to all the viruses that can cause the common cold. That is why colds are so common and recurring. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) kindergarten children get an average of 12 colds per year, compared to adolescents and adults who catch about seven per year.


If you were only catching a couple of colds a year you were in the minority! I think it's just bad luck that you have caught two different cold viruses. Perhaps when you had just got over the first cold you were a bit run down and were less able to resist the second cold.

I hope you feel better soon. :flowers: