View Full Version : First timer,10mgCit,Anxiety,lethargy vs exercise

24-03-11, 21:08

This is my first time on Citalapram, I suffer from anxiety which has worsened in the last 4 months hence the medication, decided to do something about it once and for all. And yes have tried therapy and life coaching (fab) but right now need something to take the edge off.

Its my 3rd week, side effects have been heart palpitations, dry nose (but today runny), itchy skin, slight diarrhea, vivid dreams (I take my tab in the morning so go figure), uninterested in whats going on around me but worst for me is the lethargy. Before starting on the tabs I was running 3-4 time a week and ran my first half marathon a month ago. Havent felt like running AT ALL but today dragged myself up and out and FORCED myself to run as I have another half marathon the beginning of June and really need to put in the training. Today was like running through treacle, I could have walked faster!

Does anyone else out there run/jog/gym/cycle? Will the lethargy wear off? I'm determined to give the citalapram a chance but don't want to give up running either.

Just also wanted to say that its been great reading everyone's stories, I only read the positive ones and its really helped me along this journey.

TreacleTart X

24-03-11, 21:10
Hi treacletart

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-03-11, 15:26
I get the lethargy but it's acutally the anxiety that makes me tired - like an overwhelming tiredness, not my meds. Sometimes even making a cup of tea feels like I'm climbing a mountain. When this happens I just have to give myself time. I don't go to the gym for weeks, but I try and do lots of walking so I at least get some exercise and just give my body the sleep it needs until I start to feel more normal again.

28-03-11, 15:40
I agree its the anxiety that makes me tired. When you start cit the anxiety gets worse so I guess that's one of the reasons you feel so knackered. I felt completely zonked for the first 4 weeks taking cit, now I feel a lot more alert (week 6). I wouldn't overdo the exercise whilst your body is getting used to cit. I don't think many people would attempt a half marathon during the first month!

28-03-11, 17:25
Hi there,i had the same side affects as you iam now going into wk 5 of 20mg cit the side effects are getting better so try stick with it.Try not to overdo the exercise your body will let you know when its ready.Hope you make a speedy recovery,rgds scott.

28-03-11, 18:52
Hey treacletart,

Fret not...I went through the same lethargy, lack of motivation etc when I started taking citaloram last June, however that did wear off, although I haven't managed to gain back my full energy levels totally (think it's a cit side effect).

But I'm pleased to say I've cycled into work for the first time ever today - maybe 8 miles and felt great. The energy and motivation is there ready for the taking. Thank you Spring! Being on cit needn't stop you doing what you enjoy.

C x

29-03-11, 01:28
Treacletart, I too am starting on Citalopram, first day today!
Would just like to point you in the direction of this amazingly packed thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9796)on the side effects, all yours seem quite normal and I'm sure you'll be able to find more information too with regards to your running etc :)

Could I just ask, after 3 weeks of being on them are you feeling at all happier?? Wondering how long it is until you begin to feel the effects, seems the side effects are instant but the desired effect's a little further away :P
Welcome to the forum btw (from one newbie to another)!!