View Full Version : I need advice about PTSD and meds.

24-03-11, 21:16
Hi everyone,

Ok, well 4 years ago I had spinal surgery which left me unable to return to live with my parents because it restricted my mobility. I'm paraplegic and use a wheelchair. 2 weeks after surgery I went back to my local community hospital. I was on the rehab ward for a while, which was ok. After about a month and a half I was moved to the medical ward because I 'didn't need a rehab bed and was bed blocking'. The medical ward is basically for palliative care so I was in a room on my own all day and I could hear people around me dying of cancer.

I got extremely depressed, lost my appetite in pretty much everything and stopped talking much at all. I didn't hear from many of my friends so I felt pretty isolated.

After 4.5 months I was moved into a flat on my own. After a week I overdosed because I felt so scared and totally hopeless.

Ever since then I've experienced periods of anxiety, usually first thing in the morning and prolonged periods of depression. I'm now facing further spinal fusion which will pretty much take away my independence and I'm feeling extremely depressed and anxious.

I've recently spoken to my GP and have been referred to a psychologist but I'm seriously considering going on medication. I've tried Prozac and I didn't get many side-effects, although I'm not sure how effective it was. I also tried Citalopram and had awful side-effects.

Has anyone got any advice as to which medication is good for PTSD? I haven't actually been officially diagnosed but I'm doing a counselling diploma and we've learned about it and I have lots of the symptoms. I did an online test too and it says I 'show many signs of PTSD'.

Has anyone got any advice as to which medication is good for PTSD?


24-03-11, 21:37
I was diagnosed with PTSD last year and prescribed sertraline, which apparently is commonly used for women suffering from the illness, why it doesnt work so well for men is not understood, but it's really turned my life around.

I would recommend getting a proper diagnosis before taking any medication though.

Hope you feel better soon :)


24-03-11, 21:37
Hi Alicat, I also suffer from ptsd, with horrendous night-terrors. I take 75mg venlafaxine, and 7.5mg zopiclone. It does make things a little easier, but I don't think I'll ever be the way I used to. I'm just learning to cope with the "new me". Good luck to you, it really is a struggle at times :( x

24-03-11, 22:47
Thanks guys.
I've heard that Sertraline is good. Yeah, I know I need an official diagnosis but I have no idea how long it'll be before i get to see a mental health specialist. I only got referred 2 weeks ago. I doubt my GP can diagnose it?

Yeah, I really struggle with the fact that this is the way I am but I do have some great friends who help me through.

25-03-11, 01:27
Just thought I'd add that Sertraline did nothing for me :(

26-03-11, 18:05
Just thought I'd add that Sertraline did nothing for me :(

Ok, thanks. I guess it's a very individual thing. It's really helped my friend, but she had awful side effects on Prozac whereas I didn't.

02-04-11, 20:43
:scared10:Me again,

Ugh!! Anxiety is terrible when I wake up! I'm scared to get out of bed and just lie there feeling like I want to vanish! I'm definitely going to the dr next week to talk about medication.

I got my letter to call IAPT this morning. Hopefully I'll get an appointment soon.

06-04-11, 19:42
I have my IAPT telephone assessment on Friday morning.

I went to the dr and got 30mg Prozac today. It was a bit of an odd appointment because I'm in a good mood today...and my GP makes me laugh, so I wasn't exactly demonstrating the need to be on Prozac.

I'll let you all know how I get on :)

08-04-11, 04:46
Hi Alicat. I strongly suggest you speak with a psychologist to help you with anxiety which seems to be related to PTSD. Prozac? made me more anxious but Venlafaxine is wonderful for me and many. First stop for me was anxiety management group and after 3 weeks thought it was rubbish.....but kept going and found some tools that really do help. Then the real abracadabra!! I was offered EMDR, Eye MOvement De-sensitisation and Reprocessing. Works for many but not all and made my world so bright and now I'm fully immersed in living!! Get a referral from your GP to see a psychologist, real soon!!
Good luck my friend!

11-04-11, 20:23
Hi Alicat. I strongly suggest you speak with a psychologist to help you with anxiety which seems to be related to PTSD. Prozac? made me more anxious but Venlafaxine is wonderful for me and many. First stop for me was anxiety management group and after 3 weeks thought it was rubbish.....but kept going and found some tools that really do help. Then the real abracadabra!! I was offered EMDR, Eye MOvement De-sensitisation and Reprocessing. Works for many but not all and made my world so bright and now I'm fully immersed in living!! Get a referral from your GP to see a psychologist, real soon!!
Good luck my friend!

Thanks jprdy,

Your advice means alot. I've been on Prozac before and I didn't have the awful side effects so I'm hoping it'll be ok. I had my telephone assessment on Friday and I'm on the waiting list for CBT. Hopefully it won't be too long. I haven't started on the meds yet. The last few days haven't been too bad.