View Full Version : high blood pressure

24-03-11, 22:16
At the hospital a fortnight ago they took my BP and proclaimed it to be high - the bottom number was too high the dr said. Had to have it done again at my surgery and again it was high - this time the top number was too high. GP kind of frowned and said they'll have to keep a close eye on it - but that I don't have hypertension yet. I'm panicking though, why is it high? I'm only nineteen? I am overweight at 16 stone and don't do a whole lot of exercise (although I do try) - is this the cause?

macc noodle
24-03-11, 22:47
Hi Daisycake

You can reduce your blood pressure through regular exercise (plus it helps release endorphins which make us feel good too :D) and also my doc. told me that if I lost 10% of my current weight (which is about the same as you weigh), then I would enjoy many health benefits including a reduction in blood pressure!!!!

However, hun, some extremely skinny and fit people suffer high blood pressure and nothing they do seems to lower it ! It does seem that sometimes people are just pre-disposed to, or have genetic tendencies for certain "conditions".

I have tried to take some exercise and lose weight but it does seem an uphill struggle especially when feeling low - the old choccy bar is far too yummy to resist :winks:

Try not to worry and think about some ways in which you could perhaps lose a few pounds or increase your current level of exercise.


24-03-11, 22:55
At the hospital a fortnight ago they took my BP and proclaimed it to be high - the bottom number was too high the dr said. Had to have it done again at my surgery and again it was high - this time the top number was too high. GP kind of frowned and said they'll have to keep a close eye on it - but that I don't have hypertension yet. I'm panicking though, why is it high? I'm only nineteen? I am overweight at 16 stone and don't do a whole lot of exercise (although I do try) - is this the cause?

I guess it depends on your height whether you are very overweight or not?

24-03-11, 23:01
Hi Daisycake

You can reduce your blood pressure through regular exercise (plus it helps release endorphins which make us feel good too :D) and also my doc. told me that if I lost 10% of my current weight (which is about the same as you weigh), then I would enjoy many health benefits including a reduction in blood pressure!!!!

However, hun, some extremely skinny and fit people suffer high blood pressure and nothing they do seems to lower it ! It does seem that sometimes people are just pre-disposed to, or have genetic tendencies for certain "conditions".

I have tried to take some exercise and lose weight but it does seem an uphill struggle especially when feeling low - the old choccy bar is far too yummy to resist :winks:

Try not to worry and think about some ways in which you could perhaps lose a few pounds or increase your current level of exercise.


My friend's trying to get me to go to a dance class at Uni after the holidays but I'm too scared to go - every time I exercise I end up very short of breath and dizzy at the moment.. Though I start anti-anxiety meds over the hols so am hoping they'll have an effect. I suppose it could be genetic - both my maternal grandparents have hypertension.

24-03-11, 23:02
I guess it depends on your height whether you are very overweight or not?

I'm 5ft 8 and half..

BMI's 34 which is pretty bad!

24-03-11, 23:19
you have borderline bp at the moment, diet and exercise may bring it down, you may also be worried and suffering white coat hypertension when at the doctors, I was diagnosed with high bp at 20 and take ace inhibitors for it, both my parents were hypertensive and it doesnt help i suffer anxiety and panic disorder. Breath easy, even if you continue to have high bp its more than manageable. Try and relax as much as possible when you next get it taken so that its a more accurate reading, also cut out caffeine before you go and make sure you dont exercise like a looney just before you get it measured. Dont worry you will be fine x