View Full Version : PTSD Advice needed please

25-03-11, 02:37
I am currently suffering from PTSD, after having to attend a railway suicide last March. I have been having severe flashbacks, and average about 3 hours sleep a night. I have been having counselling which has not helped, and have been refferred for CBT, which i now have to wait for.
I have been off work now since November and in that time have received zero support from my company, which really added to the isolation I was feeling.
I have just handed in my three months notice as am about to go to half wages, and the compant were about to start medical capability procedure, both of which I am unable to cope with mentally.
I have raised 3 grievances which they have ignored.
I have informed them that I intend to take them to an ET for constructive dismissal, psychological damage caused at work and made worse by their lack of support.
I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and how they coped with the pressue, as i am finding it extremely hard to cope at times.

25-03-11, 02:40
Hi. I can't help you with your question but I'm sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time. I'm sure someone will be along soon who will be more helpful. Welcome to NMP. :)

25-03-11, 02:52
Thanks anyway for replying, it is nice to know that someone is reading this, it gives me some hope in finding a way forward.

25-03-11, 02:59
There is always hope. I've suffered from anxiety now for 6 years and some days are better than others but I truly believe that one day I will beat this thing. With the right treatment and support I'm sure you will too. You will make lots of friends on this website and if you ever get lonely during the night it's worth looking to see if there is anybody you could chat to in the chat room. I hope things get better for you soon. :flowers:

26-03-11, 18:06
I'm really sorry to hear what you're going through. :hugs: I wish I had something more to add.

26-03-11, 19:42
Hi Dean, I just wanted to wish you luck with the ET. From things that I've heard, I would say you are going to need a lot of strength and know that you may go through a very stressful time for no gain at the end of it all. Companies and organizations tend to close ranks on those who take them to tribunals :( Have you been offered any medications for the ptsd? I've read and heard a lot saying that it is something which needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Otherwise the brain-patterns can become entrenched and possibly irreversible. I'm taking venlafaxine and a zopiclone at night, and it's the only thing that has helped in the 6 years since my ptsd began.
Have you googled meds for ptsd? I would, and then take your findings to your gp. I had to refer myself to a psychiatrist to be prescribed the venlafaxine. Best of luck to you x

26-03-11, 21:09
Hi kibbutz83
thanks for replying.
I have not taken any medication yet as was hoping the counselling would sort out the problem, but although my counsellor is really nice, and it helps a little to talk, that is as far as it has helped. I remain open to all posiibilities that will help take this horrible illness away, as I am sure we all are.
My company have still not answered my grievances, and are trying to get me to rescind my resignation, which i am not prepared to do.
I think I could have a reasonable chance of winning, as being a manager i have quite a good knowledge of the policies and procedures and can show where they have breached them.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply, and that goes for the other people who have replied too, it really is a help to know i not alone.
All the best to you all

27-03-11, 16:03
Hi again, let us know how you get on... stay strong and focused :) x

01-04-11, 16:17
Thanks mate will do.
It looks as if I am going to have to fight this battle myself as I have no way of funding £350 per hour for a solicitor, but I am determined that they are not going to get away with damaging me in this way

01-04-11, 17:41
Hi Dean
Have you tried talking to Citizen Advice,your union or do you have salary insurance they all have access to legal services that may be able to help you. You are also entitled to 1/2hr free legal advice from any solicitor or may qualify for legal aid. It's always worth asking around even if they say no.

Take care & let us know how you get on regularly.