View Full Version : Anxiety for upcoming holiday- help please

25-03-11, 06:51
I don't know what to do at the moment, hence I'm writing on here (an hour before my alarm was due to go off but I just can't sleep).

I am going on a 4 hour flight with a "no frills" service in 3 weeks and am already feeling anxious and panicky. I flew 3 years ago with my brother, so I knew I was in safe hands, couldn't pull out & let him down and also to an extent I think I "hid" some of my anxiety from him (also it helped that I thought the flight was going to take an hour- it actually only took 40 mins!)

So basically, I am already having a racing heart, shallow breathing and imagining the fear I'll feel whilst on the plane (and beforehand). The Doctor has prescribed me some Diazepam (sp) but I am not sure I will take it- am hoping just the comfort of having it with me will help. I am going to try and book some hypnotherapist sessions in the next few days (expensive from what I've seen but I don't care if it helps me get rid of/deal with these feelings).

I'm not sure if the actual thought of flying "no frills" is makine me worse as people are always commenting on things- like having to pay extra for seatbelts, landing miles from actual destination etc. :S

I also have a heart condition and although I'm monitored regularly my blood pressure and everything is fine, but I'm worried what would happen if I became ill/needed medical help whilst on board?!

Anyone got any tips/advice because at the moment I feel like I'm going mad and not sure I can take 3+ weeks of feeling like this :(

Thanks in advance

paula lynne
25-03-11, 11:08
Hi, I hate planes...being agoraphobic doesnt help.!
Id use lavender on my palms, and breathe in slowly, and I always take my paper bag with me. I also have a heart condition. The staff are highly trained should you need help, but Im sure you wont. Remember your BP is fine.

What about getting some of your fav music on ipod etc, thats a good distraction. Treat yourself to a great book to read.
I did take diazepam 2mg about an hour before the flight. It made me much calmer, but not enough to knock me out. If youve got 5mg, snap in half and try that.
You are going to be so chuffed after the flight I promise. You can do it.x:hugs:

30-03-11, 21:28
Thanks for your reply :)

I'm feeling quite calm at the moment; I have got some entertainment- psp, books, DS, etc lined up & I have booked a hypnotherapy session next week, which I hope will teach me strategies on how to stay calm whilst on the plane- at the moment I am actually concentrating on the holiday itself and looking forward to it! :) I just hope I continue to be this calm.......

paula lynne
30-03-11, 22:38
Good idea, focus on the holiday. Youve done lots of prep, and all the best with hypnotherapy. Enjoy your holiday you lucky thing!

03-04-11, 07:56
Good luck with your forthcoming flight-I would be interested to hear how your hypnotherapy sessions go.I am very frightened of flying although I have flown a lot over the last 20 years.I'm not good at relaxing and tend to get very nervous and uptight the few weeks before a flight. Keeping busy is a strategy that I have found works for me though