View Full Version : Panicing

25-03-11, 10:27
Hey all back again
Been coughing with cold for nearly 2 weeks
In night I cough, wamp it on my spare pillow(gross I know)
Woke up this morning, find blood on it. then got into see a doctor.
She said back of the tharot looks red.
When I ask for blood test she said no, she said blood test r not good sign
That you got the big c

Panicking I dying I don't want to do anything now just want to cry

paula lynne
25-03-11, 11:01
Coughing up blood should ALWAYS be investigated.....go back to your GP.
Youve probably burst a few blood vessels with all the coughing, but it needs sorting.
What about ringing NHS Direct? 0845 46 47

25-03-11, 14:24
Seeing my own gp tonight

paula lynne
25-03-11, 14:27
Well..all the best then.

25-03-11, 18:29
went back and he said he think's 'the blood is local'
he said chest is clear and felt round my throat
but he sent for a blood test, bit nervous, but if there was something wrong i know it show in my bloods so in that a good thing i think lol

25-03-11, 18:59
Coughing up blood shouldn't always be investigated. That in itself can set someone to panic.

Most people when having a bad cold and cough will do this from time to time. I had it over the winter as did many people I know. The tissue that connects your nose and mouth is very sensative and can get irritated by a cold and the vessels can sometimes break leaving you with blood in mucous etc.

Try not to worry over this as it is common with bad colds and coughs, it's natural for vessels that aren't used to strain to burst.

paula lynne
25-03-11, 21:01
Sorry, I disagree. Coughing up blood should ALWAYS be investigated, at least, that what I was taught during my nurse training.

I did tell the origonal poster that I thought it was likely to be burst blood vessels, but as we are not doctors here, indeed, nor his doctor, I felt it was prudent for this to be investigated.

25-03-11, 23:19
looking back i not even sure if i cough it up

like me doctor thinks it my come from my gums as i told him there was bit blood on my front tooth
some times when you panic you alway just look for the worst :(