View Full Version : do the symptoms ever go?

08-04-06, 08:09
Hi - my anxiety is much less now and I haven't had a full blown PA in about a month, but am still getting all the symptoms (they just don't cause me to panic anymore) - palpatations, lightheadedness, sweaty hands..... Do these ever go or are they part of me now?
Love Helen

08-04-06, 09:56
Hi Helen,

I'm not an expert but maybe these symptoms are part of general anxiety? I rarely suffer panic attacks but I do get very anxious where I feel as you do, and I can almost feel the blood draining form me, get clammy, lightheaded, feel sick etc.

How have you learned to cope with your anxiety as I dont seem to be able to switch off and relax, even with relaxation tapes?

I've even tried reiki and massage but it was torture ....as soon as they say just relax and clear your mind, mines starts to race even more and I get stressed about not being able to relax. Crazy eh?

Coni X

08-04-06, 18:51
Hi Coni - I'm not sure really!! Everything just seemed to suddenly make sense. I think it was a combination of things - reading the Claire Weekes books really helped, talking to a homeopathist (also trained GP), seeing a CBT therapist and giivng my lifestyle an upheaval - slowing down at work and eating better. One thing my CBT therapist told me to de really worked for me - when I feel a symptom, I tell myself 'OK I feel lightheaded' I've realised that I can't feel any worse than I have, that the symptoms aren't going to get any worse than they have and that I'm still here!! Telling everyone about how I was feeling also helped because I didn't have to hide it.
I still find it hard to relax, my shoulders and neck are often tense and I sleep very badly. When I'm thinking about relaxing its impossible!! I find talking to friends the most relaxing thing at the moment.
Take Care
Love Helen

09-04-06, 08:48
Thanks for the advice Helen. Quite a few people on here have recommended the Claire Weekes book, I think maybe I'll give that a go. Work is a major issue for me and I know that probably is the underlying factor, but I feel I'm in a catch 22 situation...If I slow down I'll worry more about what I havent done. I know I'm my own worst enemy!

I'm glad the CBT worked for you, are you still seeing your therapist? Or is CBT more of a time limited thing?

Take Care
Coni X

09-04-06, 10:45
Hi Helen,

I have fewer panic attacks now and my symptoms are that of GAD - my CBT therapist has told me not to think about about my symptoms or talk about them with my partner, family or on here as that makes them important and brings them to our attention. What he says I have to try and do is have them going on in the background and use distration techniques so that they are not noticable. Its so hard as I want to keep saying that I am feeling x, y or z at the moment and I have to stop myself but I can see what he says makes sense and I have noticed a small difference. Hope this makes sense?

09-04-06, 12:37
Hi - thanks for the replies. What you said does make sense Spice, when I told everyone about the anxiety it was a great relief, but every time I saw anyone they would ask how I was, which kept making me think about how I was feeling. I ended up asking everyone to stop asking me how I was and that I'd tell them if I was struggling. Luckily no one took offence and have all been supportive - only my Mum keeps asking how I am, but I guess thats a Mum thing and shes worried!!
Coni - I only actually saw the cbt therapist once!!! He explained what was happening to my body when I was having the anxiety and gave me some things to try and help - what he said did help, but I saw him privately and didn't really feel comfortable enough with him to pay £80 a session!!! He kept pushing for hypnosis and I don't think I could do that! If you want me to send you the Claire Weekes books let me know.
Take Care
Love Helen

09-04-06, 17:16
Hi helen,

I knew therapy would be expensive but I really didnt think it would be that much. Im lucky that I've had counselling via my GP practice but that is about to come to an end. It has helped me see why I am the way I am but sometimes I still feel at a loss as to how to move forward. You've obviously got great dtermination and motivation to address your whole lifestyle. Well done. Have you ever used medication for anxiety? I took betablockers for several months and found they really helped especially with the ectopic beats which I've had since my late teens ( but didnt realise they were anxiety related).

Is there more than one Claire Weekes book? If so is there a particular one which you would recommend?

Coni X

09-04-06, 18:50
I have 2 Claire Weekes books self help for your nerves and essential help for your nerves. The self help for your nerves is quite short and I found it most useful - it explained all the symptoms.
I haven't taken any medication - scared of the side effects, my GP offered me beta blockers and I saw a locum who wanted mw to take anti-depressants.
I'm glad counselling has helped you - could your counsellor give you strategies and help in ways to move forward now you understand?
Love Helen

09-04-06, 19:37
hi im rania from belgium. my panic attacks have susided now but all those awful symptoms still try and persist. i found cbt therapy the greatest help ever. good luck to everybody suffering from this silent soul eating illness.

10-04-06, 19:05
Hi Helen,

Counselling has been a great help and she has given me some tips, mainly on trying to challenge negative thoughts. She has also recommended some books along these lines too. I have to say though, great though it is to understand why I am how I am, I still feel a bit stuck now. Cant shake the fear and self loathing. I've often wished I could just rub myself out and become someone else. Guess there are no easy answers eh?

Coni X