View Full Version : Husband's breath smells sweet

25-03-11, 14:13
I wonder if anyone can help me as I'm starting to panic! My husband's breath smells kind of sweet smelling; it has done that a couple of times in the past that I can remember. I just mentioned it very casually at work and someone said (they don't know I have HA and panic!) that it sounds like a sign of diabetes!!!! Is this true? Has anyone had this or knows about this? My husband will just tell me to shut up and that he is fine etc...he is so flipant about his health!

Thanks in advance...

paula lynne
25-03-11, 14:25
Well, the breath would smell like pear drops, thats whats said by medical professionals. Its not a conclusive sign of Diabetes though, but best get this checked out. Get him to take a urine sample to the doctors (bottles available from nearest chemist). My hubbys like yours, he wouldnt go doctors if his leg fell off!
Good luck, let me know how it goes x

25-03-11, 14:32
sympathise cos my husband is exactly the same about health :hugs:

the smell you talk about is a symptom of advanced untreated diabetes .........a peardrop smell . Too much blood sugar .
Your husband would be in a bad way and have more symptoms I feel for definate .a quick trip to docs and a urine test would show up .
honestly think that there is another reason .........dont fret xxxxxxx

is he eating a lot of mints etc ? not such daft question :blush:............cos foodstuffs will mask breath of course xxxxxxx

is he peeing alot ? always thirsty ? lost weight ? exhausted ?
honestly please dont worry .......he would feel dreadful .
but get him to go to doc if worried so much for pee test
hugs xxxxx

25-03-11, 14:42
I am really worried now...I know my husband will never agree to go to the doctors to get tested. He has been unusually tired recently, but has been working very hard. I don't think he's drinking/urinating more than usual, but then he is at work most of the day so I don't see him very often.

He has had this before and it has gone away on it's on, would diabetes do that, or would the bad breath thing be constant?

*sigh* Just wish I didn't worry and I wish that he woud get a checkup at the doctors

Thanks for the replies though x

25-03-11, 14:53
Hi Mondle, if this was untreated diabetes, your husband would be constantly thirsty, using the toilet very regularly (including getting up at night), losing weight rapidly, getting very hungry and his breath would smell like fruit. I don't know what the symptoms are for type 2. But sweet breath isn't going to harm your husband. If your husband was ill, he would feel ill. If he doesn't feel ill, he's fine :)

Oh yeah, and the fruity smell would be consistent

25-03-11, 15:02

no ................it would not go away on its own for definate ......he would get very sick very quickly trust me xxxx

his tiredness sounds like the fact he is working hard .and is normal. he would nt be functioning at work if he was that bad with diabetes .

put this thought out your head now ............get him to go for gp check to put your mind at rest [nurse appt may be quicker .just take pee sample in test done on the spot no waiting .]

tis your anxiety speaking my love ............and we know here how it takes hold x

tell him to go for your peace of mind ........or else .
I can nag for England :blush:


25-03-11, 22:14
My boyfriend is diabetic type 1 from the age of 5 (he is now 24) The sweet smell of the breath should be ok pear drops and this is only when the blood sugars are incredibly low. Low to the point of a black out. He would have more noticeable signs of diabetes before this symptoms appears. You can buy blood sugar testers from boots, chemists, pharmacy's and even Argos. You could also go into boots who will give you sugar blood test for free. A normal person's blood should be ideally 7. If its anything different then it could be diabetes, but he could simply just be eating sweet/sugary foods/drinks.