View Full Version : Thank-you all xxx

25-03-11, 15:23
Thank-you to everyone who took the time to reassure me about my weight loss.
I have been back to my gp today who was lovely and he went through my blood test results and said they were fine and normal, so i have now got to stop worrying and calm down this last week has been torture. It's horrible how your mind plays tricks and even though i know that i wasn't eating half, if that of what i normally do i was convinced that i couldn't have lost that much weight in a week !!! So even though it still worries me i have got to try and keep telling myself that medical test wise nothing shows up so nothing is wrong ! Easier said than done but here goes !!!
Does anybody take anything apart from the prescibed meds to help calm them down and do you find it helps ?
Love and big hugs to you all xxxxxx

25-03-11, 15:38
Hi there, so glad you feel a bit more reassured now about your weight loss problem. If you can try to put it from your mind (easier said than done i know) i think in no time at all as you start focussing on other things the weight will go back on. I personally don't take anything other than Citolapram and the occasional Lorazapam when i'm desperate, but I do use Gerranium essential oil in the bath and I find that if I just lie back and relax and breathe it in deeply I definately feel slightly more chilled out after, apparantly Lavender also good but haven't tried it. Take care.