View Full Version : plantetarium panic

08-04-06, 09:54
Hi , Last night we took the kids to the planetarium.....
I knew i may panic but when we arrived i was fine until they switched the lights off, i really into one major panic and had to keep it a secret because i was sitting in a room full of people with my kids
(I dont want them to know).
Anyway the first 20 mins i couldnt breath and really felt the urge to run out, i was shaking alot.
But then i started calming down and actually took in some information about the stars. Then my son asked to go to the toilet so we had to find our way out of the dark and i waited outside whilst he visited the loo.

A member of staff came over to me and asked was i ok?
I said yes thanks and he said "oh i thought maybe you took a panic attack in there and had to get out", i said "well actually i did but i got over it" , he replied "yes we get it quite often in here - last week a woman lasted 1 min in there and we had a job to calm her down".

I know it sounds daft but it was soooooooooo nice to hear of another person like me.And i returned to my seat to enjoy the rest of the show still a bit edgy but facing my fears full on.


08-04-06, 10:31
hi mirry
well done you i think that you acheived a great deal last night
well done again

08-04-06, 10:33
Just want to congratulate you on your visit last night. Well done for staying with it i bet your pleased as punch with yourself

take care


08-04-06, 11:18
thanks, to be honest i wanted to cry at first but afterwards then i thought I could of run but i didnt, then this got me thinking I won!


08-04-06, 12:38
Your story just brought back a moment of mine. I always wondering how long I have had panic attacks and if you look back at your childhood sometimes its hard to remember but when you do you realize you actually had attacks even then. I can't beleive that you mentioned a Planitarium because now I can remember i went there for a field trip as a child and had the exact experience. I couldn't have been more scared and it was right after they shut the lights off. I felt like I couldn't escape if i wanted to and many panic sufferers know how bad of a situation that is. Wow its great to remember, not that it was a great moment, far from,but I have been soul searching to help myself. I was a kid at the time and when I freaked out I didn't care who noticed. You are so brave though. To stay calm for your kids. Its so hard to do. I have a 1 year old and not that he knows the difference but i have to hide my symptoms too. I pray everyday that he never has to deal with this same problem. I wanted to help some, I really hope I did. I think it is great that you shared and like I said you are so brave. I wish the best for you[^].

08-04-06, 12:39
Well done Mirry. By staying and allowing the panic to start to subside this is a way of your subconscious mind beginning to recognise that the environment you were in was not dangerous and that's when the pain starts to recede.

Not only did you sit through the panic attack, you went back in and you enjoyed the show.

Great progress.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

08-04-06, 16:22
Well done you!!!!! You stuck it out and you came through on the other side........make sure you give yourself a pat on the back!!!! love Lyla xx

09-04-06, 18:11
Glad it helped jog your memory Jodi,
I sometimes remember events, when i took a panic as a child.
Dont you find it helps somewhat ?
I think well if i took panics then and had great times inbetween then its not constant!


09-04-06, 18:17

This should be under success stories cos wow you did so well to cope.

Well done for coping and staying. Great news.


09-04-06, 19:52
well done mirry!
i think you did really well - and you made it to the end.
well done!
henri x

09-04-06, 23:00

I agree with nomorepanic, you should have put this under success stories because that is what this is - well done you!!! You had panic but you coped with it - I am soooo pleased for you.

10-04-06, 08:02
Thanks guys,
its funny isnt it, at first when i had the panic i felt so dissapointed in myself because it was a special night out and i felt by just having the panic attack id failed and wanted to cry.
But it really is how you look at things - I STAYED- and it did go.

That feeling of wanting to run was so strong and powerfull.
