View Full Version : Just had a blood test this morning, now I'm panicking again...

25-03-11, 17:28
I'm so scared you guys. I had my blood tests done at 9.30 this morning, and was expecting to get the results back on Tuesday. But the doctor's surgery just called me and want me to make an appointment with my doctor on Monday, as they've already had the results back! So now I have to wait the entire weekend, panicking.
My symptoms are pretty scary. Here's my post about my situation:
(Summary: very shakey all the time, hair loss, tired ALL the time, bad anxiety, stiff joints).

I've also been a little dizzy and weak since my test.

Why do you think they've come back so quick? It's really scaring me. What if it's something like cancer? What if I need more blood tests??

Help... :(

25-03-11, 17:35
Hi there just to reassure you, My blood tests allways come back the same day especially if they are done in the morning, they use a much quicker system than they used too, so doctors have much quicker access to results.

25-03-11, 17:44
Ah I see, thanks Katie. It's just weird that they were so swift, and that the doctor wants to talk to me. Hoping it's just to stop me from panic! Hehe.

25-03-11, 17:58
Do you know which blood tests they took? it maybe absolutely nothing, some doctors routinely call you in to let you know that everything is ok, so i wouldn't worry too much. x

25-03-11, 18:11
I know he took one for my hair loss and another for tiredness, but there were 5 tubes used so they probably took some for my other symptoms?
I may be the only person in the world wanting the weekend over with, hehe. x

26-03-11, 22:07
My mum was called in to doctors very suddenly following blood test - she had a call making her go in on a Saturday. Turned out she was anaemic and needed iron tablets. She had blood tests because of a lack of energy and also (although reported after event rather than before the tests) she had lots of breaking nails and probs with thinning hair and her perm not taking etc. All linked to anaemia and it was easily rectified by course of iron tablets so it could be something simple like that chick. My mum is right as rain now :) Try not to panic and stress - let us now how you get on, on Monday xx

26-03-11, 23:53
Like flumkin said, it could be anaemia or it could be something like b12 deficiency. When we are very anxious, we use up all our b12 which can make you feel really awful. I had to have b12 shots for a while when I was really ill - i now take tablet form just to keep the levels up.
Try not to think the worst - I know its difficult but it is probably a deficiency in something.

Judi xx