View Full Version : I drive myself mad! Does anyone else do this?

25-03-11, 20:13
Everytime you hear or read about some sort of illness where it gives the odd symptom that you have do you go and google it just in case that's what's wrong with you?!

Like now for example, watching children's hospital they said how people with down's syndrome are more likely to get colds and flu. I get colds and flu etc alot but I definitely don't have any form of the condition yet I still googled it, 'just in case' :huh:

I fear alot of the time I bring on symptoms by reading about them, argh! :doh:

25-03-11, 20:35
I think many of us will admit to doing that very thing. :busted:

26-03-11, 11:54
I used to drive myself crazy googling, i would spend hours doing it, and it doesnt lead to good places. I have now not googled for about 2 months and feel much better. My doctor rolls her eyes if i say anything about having checked on the computer. I once convinced myself for about a year that i had cervical cancer simply from googling and panicking. After eventually going for a smear test and fearfully awaiting the results. They were clear no problems at all. Suddenly all my symptons disappeared (stress and worry was causing spotting and pain must have been in my mind) unfortunately my health anxiety just moved on to other health worries but i will get over these too im sure. Another thing i avoid if womens magazines as they are a trigger for my panic too.

26-03-11, 13:55
I used to drive myself crazy googling, i would spend hours doing it, and it doesnt lead to good places. I have now not googled for about 2 months and feel much better. My doctor rolls her eyes if i say anything about having checked on the computer. I once convinced myself for about a year that i had cervical cancer simply from googling and panicking. After eventually going for a smear test and fearfully awaiting the results. They were clear no problems at all. Suddenly all my symptons disappeared (stress and worry was causing spotting and pain must have been in my mind) unfortunately my health anxiety just moved on to other health worries but i will get over these too im sure. Another thing i avoid if womens magazines as they are a trigger for my panic too.

This could have been written for me, its exactly what im going through at min, had mid cycle spotting after ovulation convinced myself i have cervical cancer saw gp who dismissed it completely so googled symptoms saw ovarian cancer and made myself have symptoms,,, got sore leg[thigh area] achy towards private area n now sick with worry... so yeah id agree if u read it with anxiety u usually get it just wish it would go away for ever!