View Full Version : Worred about hepatitis c...

25-03-11, 20:42
I was just googling (I know :blush:) my itchy forearm, as there is no rash or anything but this awful itching keeps coming and going through the day. So one of the things that came up was hepatitis c, and now I'm worrying myself silly. Not only that, another symptom of hepatitis c was aches and pains in the joints/muscles. Uh-oh...

For some time I have been going mad with aches and pains in my arms, fingers, chest and jaw. They are not agony, but they are there. They come and go as they please, sometimes lasting a couple of seconds and sometimes lasting 5 minutes. I have been to my doctors (more than once) for reassurance as I've been convinced it's heart related, and they have sent me away telling me it's anxiety.

Well, now I've read this about hepatitis c, I'm worried sick. My boyfriend has a friend who has recently been treated for hepatitis, so I'm terrified there is a chance I could have caught it from them.

I know the sensible thing is to have a test, but I can't bring myself to do it. I would probably have to wait a week for the test result, and my anxiety would be through the roof waiting to find out. Don't know what to do... :weep:

25-03-11, 20:55
Firstly, you can only catch Hepatitis C from blood, and more rarely saliva or semen so I doubt very much you would have caught it just because you know somebody who has had the virus. Secondly, you don't have any of the early symptoms so I don't know where you got the idea from that you have it? Only people with CHRONIC DISEASE have itching and aching joints and that is alongside much more serious symptoms that you would know about. You wouldn't just have a couple of mild symptoms! Even if you DID have the virus (WHICH YOU DON'T) it is treatable and most people make a full recovery. Please stop worrying. You don't have Hepatitis C and you are unlikely ever to do so.


25-03-11, 21:02
Thanks so much for replying. To be honest I know them but a few years ago I took cocaine for a short period and I think I shared a snorter with them once or twice. That's what's got me so scared. They have been through treatment and recovered from it, but they said it was horrendous and the worst thing they have ever been through. But you don't think my symptoms could be a sign?

25-03-11, 21:57
There are several types of hepititis
Hep A= a viral infection that can be picked up from things like dirty cutley, people usually pick it up on holiday to some dodgy exotic location. Sometimes it is called 'yellow jaundice'- Although makes you a funny colour and pretty rough for a few days, that is it pretty harmless as far as i know. It is also not that uncommon

HEP b, c, d, e
As the previous post said, can only be contraced by contact with blood, semen. However to have the symptoms you are describing you would need to have had some serious liver problems, you would have already had acute episodes of liver problems and you really would know about it.

Your symptoms sound very common, loads of people itch, it could be something as simple as fabric softner or shower gel. Aching muscles-well i think everybody on this site, suffers with that- we are soooo tense a lot of the time and google well what more can I say-dont!!!!!!!LOL
Best wishes

25-03-11, 22:03
Wow thanks so much, you have both really reassured me. I feel much better now! I really should learn not to jump to the worst conclusion... and stop googling! Thanks again, I really appreciate it. :)