View Full Version : Night sweats

25-03-11, 21:12
Hi I am a 38year old female, but I have been having night sweats for ages, but my problem is that I recently found out that it can be a symptom of lymphoma a cancer. I saw one doctor last Friday and he said it could be a side effect of escialopram. But this week i spoke to my other doctor and hehas referred me to the hosp for chest xray. Also to have some blood tests done at the surgery done this Monday coming.
My doctor wont be available until April 7th, to go throught the test results so I am very anxious. Help!!

25-03-11, 21:50
Well I sweat at night all the time and I have been told not to worry about it.

I have never heard it being related to cancer

25-03-11, 22:26
Thx for reply.
My doc told me that night sweats can be caused by many things, if you night sweat every night then it could be a sign of lymphoma, amongst other things.

25-03-11, 22:29
Yes, it can also happen due to a viral infection or a bacteria.

25-03-11, 22:57
Hi I am a 38year old female, but I have been having night sweats for ages, but my problem is that I recently found out that it can be a symptom of lymphoma a cancer. I saw one doctor last Friday and he said it could be a side effect of escialopram. But this week i spoke to my other doctor and hehas referred me to the hosp for chest xray. Also to have some blood tests done at the surgery done this Monday coming.
My doctor wont be available until April 7th, to go throught the test results so I am very anxious. Help!!

Theres a lady on hear that has had tests for night sweats and she was on citralapram, appartantly it was the meds ..


As you say night night sweats can be many things , don,t believe the first horror story you read on the net .

25-03-11, 23:34
How often do you get them?

25-03-11, 23:40
hiya hun,,ive had night sweats for as long as i can remember,,i sleep with my feet out the side of the duvet every night even when we had the coldest minus 10 weather,,stress makes mine worse,,but i have an under active thyroid which makes it worse ,,dont think of cancer id say its more than likely stress

26-03-11, 00:52

Im on citalopram and i get night sweats. It is a side effect of alot of anti depressants.

my dad has lymphoma and his nite sweats were so bad my mum was changing the bed all through the night. His pjyamas were so wet it looked like he had had a bath in them! So unless your night sweats are that bad i wouldnt worry about it being lymphoma, and of course you would have others symptoms as well.

mandie x

26-03-11, 01:03
Thx guys for all your comments. I read them all!!

I get night sweats every night and I do not need to change the sheets or anything like that , sorry to hear about that your dad who has lymphoma, Mandie
I probably looking for something to focus my thoughts on, but thats what health anxiety is..
Having a husband who has diabetes (insulin) and also he had a heart attack 17months ago, I have focused on cancer.

Once again thx to you all
angie x

26-03-11, 01:07
I get them on SSRI's. Been on Seroxat, escitalopram and now Setraline, all gave me night sweats, although not every night. Sometimes when I get nightmares I wake up sweating and it's also worse around my period.

Try not to worry, I'm sure it's nothing serious and quite a common problem for people on meds.

H. x

26-03-11, 01:14
I need to stop googling it 'Lymphoma'-
But i will have the tests done this week to get rid of my fear.
I may have had the sweats for years, since i started escitalpram not sure though!
thx for replies

26-03-11, 10:34
Thx guys for all your comments. I read them all!!

I get night sweats every night and I do not need to change the sheets or anything like that , sorry to hear about that your dad who has lymphoma, Mandie
I probably looking for something to focus my thoughts on, but thats what health anxiety is..
Having a husband who has diabetes (insulin) and also he had a heart attack 17months ago, I have focused on cancer.

Once again thx to you all
angie x

thank u angie, sorry to hear about your husband having had heart attack.


26-03-11, 15:28
:welcome:Thx for reply, Mandie, Rob is okay now he takes drugs and carries a GTN spray around.

X angie

26-03-11, 15:51
hi angie

thats good, oh and stop the googling! i no its hard im the same but thanks to google iv diagnosed myself with everything illness going!

I had the sweats last nite, woke up with my pj's stuck to me lol

mandie x

26-03-11, 19:56
I wonder if the sweats could be related to perimenopause.. have you had your FSH levels tested? It can start in the late thirties...

27-03-11, 18:35
Thx for replies,
No testing yet, tommorrow i have my bloods tested then Tuesday i have an xray.
One doctor thinks it could be my escitalopram, but as true to HA i nagged for tests, and xrays!!
At the moment I have got bad period pains !! huh

27-03-11, 19:51
I think it's more likely to be the meds hun. But, at least the results of any tests will put your mind at rest. Where abouts in the country do you hail from?
All the best
Julie xx

27-03-11, 20:25
Thx for reply, i live in Redditch Worcs,