View Full Version : Hello folks!!

08-04-06, 11:35
Hello folks!!

Name's Matt, I'm 30 years old from London & been having panics since i was about 17.
I had a huge panic attack recently and am going though a tough spot with the old anxiety at the mo!
BTW - this is the first time i've posted on any board for any reason - serious newbie :)

08-04-06, 11:45
Hi Matt

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-04-06, 12:25
Hi Matt

Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=healthanxiety)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

Granny Primark
08-04-06, 13:48
Hi Matt, glad youve found the no more panic webb site. I hope youl benefit from it as much as I have. Just having a chat with someone who understands what your going through is an enormous help I find.Theres a poem I know called DONT QUIT I think of it when I get really down, never give up hope. TAKE CARE. From Lynn

08-04-06, 15:59
Hi Matt,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

08-04-06, 16:52
Hi Matt

Welcome aboard and hope you settle in well here. Please feel free to ask any questions you want to.


08-04-06, 18:31
Welcome Matt - you'll get lots of support here
Love Helen

08-04-06, 19:19
hello black beard, so glad you decided to join us

hope you like the site as much as i do. i have a feeling you will

hollar if i can help at all


08-04-06, 19:33
Thanks for the replies people!
I'm sure it'll all be happy days here & we can all help each other out in times of panic!

Matt (Blackbeard the Pirate)

09-04-06, 07:43
Hi Matt, welcome to the forum! You will get loads of help and support here from people who know what you are going through.
Take care
Love Lisax

09-04-06, 11:27
hi matt, im 31 and have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since 17 years old also.
it can really make you feel low and down in the dumps, this site is wonderful and its calming to know there are others in your shoes.
hope you get the support you need, feel free to pm me if you need a chat.
emma :D