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View Full Version : hiv worry .. please help :,(

25-03-11, 23:56
so i have been worried about hiv all my life but it has gotten so bad that i feel like im dead already. my mind sits and wonders about all these symptoms and what ifs. i have a white patch tongue, i think ive had it since i can remember and when i googled it says its hiv of course. i brush it and it goes away and comes back. this is my story i have been married 7 years i have a 6 year old son. i got tested when i was pregnant and it was neg but since hiv is the kind of thing that can hide it gets me all worked up. i slept with a couple guys before my husband unprotected, i thought i was ok considering my test was neg but now im not sure maybe it was hiding when i took the test. its been almost 8 years since i slep with another man and i dont get sick harldy ever and if i do its small like a small cold no fever no skin lesions that i see. but im sure you guys know that when you have HA you tend to make all things you feel about the worry like i think when im tired and i feel nervous or weak its the hiv killing me r if i have black circles under eyes its hiv or if i have a rash anywhere its hiv if i have dandruff its hiv EVERYTHING. im really scared to go get tested because i know i have it and i dont wanna know at the same time. my son is healthy he does not get sick either ... please someone reply im a wreck im on the verge of an extreme depression and i dont want to be like that again. this is the worst thing i have ever had to deal with. doea anyone else have a white tongue???:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

26-03-11, 00:04
It sounds like you are blowing things completely out of proportion here and googling illnesses to match your symptoms.

There is no reason to believe you have HIV at all.

I would look more at your diet for the white coating on tongue problem - something simple and not something so serious as HIV!

If you really need to move on with life then get tested but I don't personally think you need to.

I think you are just wound up over things.

It could even be something simple like thrush

Go and see the doc and get it looked at for reassurance

Rachel W
26-03-11, 04:18
Just so you know. HIV cannot hide from the tests. The symptoms can hide for quite a few years, but not the antibodies that are created. You are absolutely fine!!!

Worried 24/7
14-04-14, 02:41
I have had a white tongue for as long as I can remember...I've only been with my husband as we got together when I was 15... I worry like you and am doing the same thing tonight only I'm scared I contracted herpes and that it's spreading to my eyes a nd brain. I can't keep myself off Google. It drives my husband crazy. I've been convinced I have herpes ever since I kissed my friend on the mouth two months ago. She didn't have a cold sore but I just keep thinking, what if her boyfriend gave her something abd she is just a carrier??? I started freaking out when I got this bump feeling on the back of my tongue two days after kissing her. It was only a closed mouth goodbye kids that lasted a couple seconds, but the bump made me start thinking std. Two doctors have said it could be irritation from my constant sinus drainage a nd that it looks like enlarged tastebuds. The timing has left me terrified though... now tonight I have eye pain that I'm convinced it's the herpes spreading to my eye. Btw, I've never had any cold sores or lessons anywhere..
As far as your fears, I highly doubt you have it. It indeed would have shown on the test by the time you had it done. I wouldn't be worrie if I was you. Of course, I'd be worried if it was me because I worry about EVERYTHING....lol