View Full Version : reassurance needed plzzzz

linda a
26-03-11, 03:13
ok im having a really hard time with symptoms
i feel like im moving but not and when i stand i feel like iam swaying sometimes i feel off balance when walking ...iam lightheaded 24/7 ive had this 8 almost 9 months.... can this be anxiety...
*i do have allergies iam lil stuffy not bad ...
*i fear brain tumor
*inner ear but ent dr and other drs say no but i still wonder
or thinking allergies but people say allergies wont cause it ..idk iam so confushed
i do have fast heart rate feel like iam holding bresath sometimes ,,
iam so confushed on where symptoma are plz has anyone had this and its only anxiety ,,,thank you sorry to post but iam worried

26-03-11, 05:14
Have you had your eyes checked? Perhaps the dizzy/ lightheaded is a vision issue. Also, working on the computer all day can lead to eye strain, so make sure you take breaks! I also know that allergies can cause this. Even if you aren't stuffy, you can still have congestion.

26-03-11, 10:39
I was constantly lightheaded and dizzy for months and it was all due to anxiety. Once you become less anxious it'll ease and then go away. You'll be fine. x

26-03-11, 13:57
Hiya hun,

I have been getting this and i had to have blood tests because it was getting worse and worse, turns out i have anemia, so maybe you could mention this to your doctor? I have to wear glasses all the time now because my eyes are so blurry and i also get light headed, now im on medication i have on and off days!
i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, i also feel dizzy etc so i think anxiety can cause this. hope this helps you abit. x

linda a
26-03-11, 18:31
ok now iam confushed is it allergies causing these symptoms or anxiety..
my ent dr said allergies only cause it if fluid in ears but ive had ears checked 45 times all good no fluid,,,,,ive needed glasses since i was a kid never wore glasses went to eye dr he said eyes wont cause the lightheaded moving swaying feeling plzzz help is this anxiety or allergies
yes aim little stuffy today lil sinus pain but i have these symptoms without having sinus pain to,,,ive had them 8 months
the lightheaded is 24/7 moving swaying comes in goes days at a time .......

linda a
27-03-11, 00:10
any one plzz opions could this be anxiety allergies

27-03-11, 00:35
I also suffer from lightheadedness and that swaying feeling. I find the more anxious I am the worse it gets.
Can I reccomend that you contact No Panic? They have a phoneline where you can chat to someone when you feel really panicky. Google it. I also joined a telephone recovery group which helped.

linda a
27-03-11, 03:47
hey thank u hun how do i get the number hun that would be really nice...so u think its anxiety not allergies thank you all

27-03-11, 17:35
No-one can tell you except for a GP, here's the number.
0808 808 0545

linda a
28-03-11, 18:15
thank u