View Full Version : IM SCARED!!!!

08-04-06, 13:14
I keep looking on my body for moles lumps etc and i keep feeling under my armpit and find little bones but think they are lumps and i have breast cancer this would explain the nausea and lightheadedness surely, part of me doesnt want cancer or tumours but i want something to explain this horrible experience.

anyone help me


08-04-06, 14:48
Hi Katy,

There is something that explains this horrible experience, it's called Anxiety and is the most likely reason for your lightheadedness and nausea.
Keep searching your body for lumps and bumps just creates more anxiety, which creates more symptoms, and keeps the anxiety going, then it becomes a vicious circle.
Being lightheaded and nauseous is not common for breast cancer, my Mum died of this, the first thing she found was a lump. There are lots of reasons why people feel lightheaded but anxiety is the most common. If your doctor has checked it out then it's definitely likely to be anxiety.
We all have little lumps and bumps on our bodies, the chances are they have always been there, but we become anxious and feel like we've suddenly spotted something. Of course it makes sense for us women to examine our breasts once a month and see a doctor if we find any changes or lumps but it's not helpful to keep prodding ourselves.
I know it's hard but the best thing is to accept this is anxiety and to stop searching for other answers, I do know it's hard to do though.

Take care,


08-04-06, 15:55

Cancer would not manifest as light headedness so be reassured by that.

Try not to look for lumps and bumps as we can all find them all over our bodies.

You need to get your breathing under control as this will really help the dizziness.


May Day
08-04-06, 16:39
Hi Katy

try to keep calm about lumps and bumps ... if you find any they are usually quitenormal ... breast tissue is lumpy but if you're at all worried then go back and see your doctor for reassurance

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

09-04-06, 13:07
hey hun!
i know its hard not to freak out when we think somethings wrong with us, but its probably your anxiety. id advise you to get checked out by your gp, if only to set your mind at rest. have you seen a doctor about your anxiety?

love katie xxx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."

27-02-09, 20:46
Is it normal to have lumps on the top of your breast, right along the top just under the armpit. Some larger than others.