View Full Version : Quitting smoking support thread!

26-03-11, 10:56
I quit smoking today. By which I mean, I woke up and put a nicotine inhalator in my mouth and haven't taken it out since!

I know there's a few more here quitting so I thought I'd start a thread where we can let each other know how we're getting on. It's going to help motivate me if I drop by here each day and say I'm still not smoking!

It's already been slightly hard this morning! I always feel really angry when I wake up in the morning and it usually goes away once I've had a cigarette but today I couldn't do that so I've spent the first few hours feeling really irritable but that's gone away now.

So, this is DAY ONE. Join in if you're quitting! :D

26-03-11, 13:45
ha ha !!
your thread got me chuckling :D......................I quit last year [but still on my guard oh yes ] .............I had inhalators with chew marks all over the house .
still finding them now .....:blush:

good luck !! xx

26-03-11, 15:02
Well done for day 1! I couldn't have quit without using the inhalator, I missed having something to do with my hands! If you want me to be brutaly honest quitting was hard but also its only the 1st few days and when your threw the worst all you can think is I'm never having a fag again because I'm not putting myself threw that again! Lol. My 2 best tips are: always think your a non smoker (ie don't quietly tell yourself that you will have just the one!) and I know this will sound rubbish but its not forever, but go to bed as early as possible as when your asleep you don't crave it and also its another day gone of feeling rubbish and also a day closer to the day when you don't crave a cigarette again!
Good luck xx

26-03-11, 15:26
Thanks for support Mary :)

How did you feel when you were quitting? I've found it really difficult to eat. I've just had a sandwich, first thing I've eaten today, and really didn't enjoy it. Not sure why. Just gone off food.

Also, feel really depressed and I just don't want to do anything.

Is this a normal reaction? Will it stop after a few days?

26-03-11, 16:53
I want to be honest but before I say anything can I just say that after smoking for ten years and the last 4 years of that smoking 20 a day, when I did stop it only took 2 weeks for me to stop and after a week the physical withdrawel had definatly gone and after 2 weeks the emotional stuff had gone. It may sound like a long time but I honestly thought it would take months. Now for the less positive bit but very short lived! I remember feeling tearful, grumpy, on edge and feeling 'the rage' lol! I completly blamed my hubby as it was him who convinced me to quit! Its the only time I remember crying and shouting at him! This is why I went to bed early every night, it was having that peace from the physical and emotional craving. But please remember that it only last days and there is a light (pardon the pun!) at the end of the tunnel.
Just think of how good you are going to feel very soon. You will be so proud of yourself, its such a massive acheivement to say you are a non smoker. The benefits most definatly out weigh those few horrible days of quitting. Please pm me anytime, I would love to help if I can x

26-03-11, 20:14
I agree with Mary, 2 weeks is all it took me when I went away with my parents as to not smoke around them, all I had was the gum which didn't help! Unfortunately and shamefully I started again when I got back because I knew I could, I have cut down alot though and only really smoke when out and in work though.
This thread's a good idea though, I don't feel I want to quit right now, and I know if I don't want to it'll never work. I may come back one day though when I finally decide it's for the best!