View Full Version : How do you feel most of the time?

26-03-11, 11:15
This is just out of curiosity. I didn't realise until relatively recently that when I sit down and ask myself how I actually feel, by far the most major emotion is always anger. I was surprised by this because I've always been a patient person (and proud of it!) and I always thought I was worried/unhappy - but I think really I just feel very angry a lot of the time.

I was wondering what it was like for others. What emotion do you tend to have just lingering in the background? Anyone else mostly feel angry like me, or do most people feel afraid? (which would seem to make more sense!)

26-03-11, 12:47
I feel a constant sense of Unease, like what if can't, do I have enough time, time is going too quick or slow. When I'm working it's always what's the next task and negative doubt as to whether I can do it was it good enough. I rarely feel angry accept at home sometimes when I just want some space. Adrenaline seems to affect us all in different ways

26-03-11, 17:56
I generally feel afraid. Dont get me wrong, I do feel angry but mostly angry that I feel afraid all the time! lol.

26-03-11, 18:01
i would say mine is anger too i can snap for nothing but im normally a person that is happ go lucky

26-03-11, 18:59
Anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness, fear... but then strangely sometimes contented! :shrug:

evil monkey
27-03-11, 05:21
scared, unhappy, lonely, annoyed, p****d off, frustrated, embarassed, 20/20 hindsight

most of those have a 'because'

27-03-11, 05:33
Today.....Bloody good,a bit tired from work but a good tired.I am happy and content most days:D

27-03-11, 12:24
I've recently made this discovery too. I have a lot of pent up anger that just bubbles under the surface.

Disappointed, lonely and empty. Anxious sometimes.

27-03-11, 12:31
Sad, tired, fed up, constantly running things through my head, and yes you are right when I am at home I am angry anyone who talks to me gets shouted at and I hate myself for it.

Today I just want to cry. :weep:

27-03-11, 12:55
It's interesting to see how many people feel angry (and lovely to see you so happy, Lola! :) )

My last therapist always told me I was angry and I didn't see what he meant because I'm very calm and patient and I can count on one hand the number of times I have raised my voice! To the extent I have been told I was an eerily patient child. I can remember conversations with my parents where they tried to encourage me to feel anger when someone did me wrong.

All of my anger is turned onto myself, so I like fantasising about the ways I could hurt myself or mutilate myself and imagining how good that will feel. Very strange, though. No idea what I'm so angry about! Although I do often get angry about the ways people have treated me badly in the past and the fact that I do not get angry at others has meant that I have not stuck up for myself and have allowed myself to be treated badly. That's sort of more a symptom than a root cause, though!

Does anyone here understand WHY they are angry/afraid/unhappy?

27-03-11, 13:06
I wish I could understand it, I wish it would all go away but I guess it won't :mad:

27-03-11, 13:09
I wish I could understand it, I wish it would all go away but I guess it won't :mad:

It definitely will. Happy to put a bet on it!

27-03-11, 13:11
Nice to see you so positive, If I had the money I would put a bet on that it won't

27-03-11, 13:17
Nice to see you so positive, If I had the money I would put a bet on that it won't

Well, well, that's not helpful :) I understand exactly how you feel, but I have got over many, many things in my life that I thought I was trapped in: eating disorders, agoraphobia, social phobia. So I know for a fact that there is a way out. Fair enough, I'm hardly cured, but I don't see any reason why I couldn't be - why any of us can't be! There's definitely light at the end of the tunnel for all of us, but you have to recognise that it is you who is causing your illness in order to see it. It's you who makes you feel bad, so you can learn to stop it. DEFINITELY.

27-03-11, 13:35
I know you are right about absolutley everything, and I have total admiration for you being so positive. I also know that it is me who is causing me so much heartache and it is me who has got myself in such a horrible rut and I know that it is only me who can sort me out. So all things told it is me who is a very bad person for making me feel like this but I wish It was as easy to make me feel happy as it is to make me feel horrible. xx

27-03-11, 13:44
Fear - the sense that something terrible's going to happen to me and I will never recover. Deep down, I know my fear's totally irrational and no, I don't know why I feel this way nor why I started feeling like this.

blue moon
27-03-11, 21:49
I am most time calm person,but with all that is happening around the world and feeling unwell I feel anxious,my husband will get me back to rational thinking.
Petra xxx