View Full Version : please help - another panic

26-03-11, 15:23
Ive got a really tender and painful belly button. It doesnt look red. Im now scared i have a hernia.
I cant take all this health worry all the tiime ..

26-03-11, 18:16
hi pb my baby has got a hernia it isnt red but sticks out loads on his belly button ,it doesnt hurt and there not painful dr said try not to worry

26-03-11, 19:03
Thank you , hope your baby is ok.
My HA is soo out of control at the moment x

26-03-11, 19:18
i know how you feel as i also suffer with ha, it tends to take over your life and way of thinking its horrible i do sympathise xxx

29-03-11, 08:24
going to gp tomorrow for tender navel - still really scared about hernia, could it be something else.
Sorry to keep on , your replies really help , but i think its because my appointment is tomorrow that my ha has got bad again ..

29-03-11, 19:43
Belly button really painful , although i have been prodding it to look to see if i can see a hernia!!
Drs tomorrow morning but im soo scared.
Has anyone had naval pain that has not been a hernia & will dr be able to diagnose it straight away.
Sorry to keep posting x

29-03-11, 21:15
hi pb you wouldnt have to prod it if had hernia on belly they stick out lots xxxxxx

30-03-11, 19:32
Hi Amandaj,

Went to gp - no hernia !!
Not sure what was causing the pain , but its much better now that the panics gone.
Thank you x

30-03-11, 19:43
i have a hernia @ bellly button and dont hurt me you most prob been prodding at yours thinking of what it is and making it tender dont worry xxxx

31-03-11, 08:26
Sharp pain around navel has returned this morning, it seems to be when i move in a certain way. Now panicking that gp has missed hernia.
another silly thought is that i didnt have a hernia when i visited the dr but have acquired one since, I did lift something quite heavy last night.
I think being really stressed and down at the moment doesnt help.
need to try and think rationally and focus on something else , but i am in pain x

02-04-11, 09:21
SORRY to keep posting about same problem.
I have pain around my bellybutton, i thought i might have a hernia but dr said she couldnt feel anything.
Some days the pain is not to bad and at other times its there.
Ive got quite a fat stomach & am now thinking she may have missed it.
I know the answer is just to go back and ask again or maybe have a scan.
But are hernias easy to miss.
I do have ibs , so maybe its that .