View Full Version : tmj

08-04-06, 13:36
hi there,
does anyone else suffer from tmj (mouth and jaw pain). I've had it on and off for 5 years. I'm suffering a major flare up at the moment although it never goes completely i can usually control it. Does anyone else get pain in their neck and shoulder with it?
I've looked through the boards and only found a few topics on it but reckon it must be pretty common. I've more or less self diagnosed it as no one has ever been able to say its anything else.
By the way i'm a much experienced worrier.

08-04-06, 13:52
Hi Anxious

Try these posts:

Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)
[Link removed as post deleted]


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

08-04-06, 14:15
Hi anxious

I also get this - it is so painful.

I dont get it constantly but it flares when I am under a lot of stress.

Last time I mentioned it to my Gp he gave me strong painkillers but I find massaging my jaw and down towards my neck can help.

Not sure about you, but when Im stressed I click my jaw back and forth from side to side so I guess I bring it on myself.

........life is for living not just for surviving

08-04-06, 16:40

I also suffer from tmj and my neck and shoulders constantly hurt but could also be caused from other health problems. I rub something on them from the states that I don't think you have over there but you might have something like Ben Gay or something with menthol in it. It helps relax the muscles and works for me. Do not take a hot shower after applying tho or it will send you through the roof! Hope it helps.


09-04-06, 00:08
thanks for your replies, i have tried pain killers, massage and heat packs. All help for a short while but nothing gets rid completely when it is this bad. Its a viscious (sp?) circle. Although i don't worry its something more sinister anymore, it still makes me anxious and the worse the pain gets.

fed up with it
09-04-06, 13:47
I have this in my jaw on the left side, and have dizziness when i turn my neck, and tingling in my left shoulder, was wondering is tjm can cause dizziness. i also get worse jaw pain when im due on?


09-04-06, 22:17
i'm sure it can cause dizziness, but so can neck pain. Mines definately worse with my period. Do you have it all the time??

10-04-06, 00:40
I have similar habits when stressed, I tend to tense my shoulders and head muscles (above the ears) which causes long-lasting pain, often for days. I used to think it was a blood pressure headache but now realise it's tension.

fed up with it
10-04-06, 11:16
Hi anxious, yes like it on a daily basis but really bad before a period, and i get a feeling when i turn my neck like a trapped faint feeling and only goes when i turn my neck back, feels like a falling dizzy in my body. horrible.
