View Full Version : Dizzy & Chest Pains

26-03-11, 17:42
Hey guys
so ive been on here a lot this week complaining of dizziness, which hasnt gotten any better. Now, ive got chest pain which is sometiimes in the middle, then moves to the left and also sometimes under the breast area and can cause a pressure or tightness in the chest area. I know this is probably indigestion and i know its probably all caused by tension but im putting the chest pain and the dizziness together and coming up with a heart condition or a lung problem, basically im obsessed with feeling like im going to die i cant stop crying all the time and been so afraid that at any given moment im going to die.

I really really need your help, i cant keep going to doctors to be told the same thing over and over


26-03-11, 17:55
hi chick
i no how you feel being scared of dropping dead is hard and theres been days in the past where i have sat and cried because of it.

you have answered yourself though hunni saying its more than likley muscle tension. xx
keep smiling

26-03-11, 18:01
Im just so frightened and dont know what to do, im quite sure my family think im exaggerating and that its all in my head but its not, this is really affecting my life to the point where i feel like i cant leave the house, i dont know what to do

Thank you for your kind words x

26-03-11, 18:09
my family think the same you no its real it was really to mev too when i was bad with chest pain,my whole anxiety is a living nightmare at times.
you gotta tto keep fighting and remember it wont har,m you even when it is scary

26-03-11, 19:55
Holly i feel exactly the same. Its like a tension burning sensation not really a sharp pain. Doctor says all anxiety related, but i know its hard to accept. Just changed my tablets so hoping they will kick in soon . Take care and if you need to chat you can always message me x

31-03-11, 00:33

I know exactly where you're coming from. I have suffered with this kind of thing on and off for many years. I woke up last night with strong chest pains. I couldn't figure out if it was muscular, wind or indigestion. I immediately thought OMG i'm having a heart attack, I then panicked big time and lay petrified for ages. I must have fell back asleep, then when I woke up they had gone but i still feel horrid worrying about what it was.
Its a horrible thing but we have to try and believe that anxiety can do this to us. Take care, you're not alone and I hope you feel better soon


07-04-11, 20:57
Ive been getting chest pains and symptoms like the ones youve mentioned over the last few months after a year or so of feeling ok...well okay for me anyway, and it does scare the bejabbers out of you when it happens so i totally understand how your feeling.
I wish there was a magic answer to all our problems :)