View Full Version : Phlebitis from IV is it dangerous

26-03-11, 19:17
Hi guys,

Really after some reassurance. I had an operation a couple of weeks ago and a few days after i noticed a red patch over the IV cannula site in my hand, and a pain following the vein in my forearm to touch. It doesnt really hurt until i touch it.
But now 2 weeks later the pain is still there and there is a small lump on the vein in my forearm no redness though. Looking on the net it seems it is a blood clot.
I am now paranoid though that it is going to break off and go to my lung or heart.... even though from reading it seems it is a superficial vein and is quite common after and sick meds with a canula (which I had).

Has anyone had this or heard of it..... Please help if you can.

26-03-11, 20:12
I have this too. In early December I was given an IV in the ER. My arm was quite sore for a while and I developed a small bump in my vein in my wrist. A few weeks later another one developed a little farther down. They were both quite sore.
The pain slowly went away but 3 1/2 months later, the 2nd bump is gone but the 1st one is still there. It's sore sometimes and I have asked the Doctor about it, she said that it could take a while to go away but since it's a superficial vein, it was nothing to worry about and was quite common.
Hope this helps!