View Full Version : I googled...again

26-03-11, 23:38
Hey everyone!

I am so annoyed with myself for falling victim to Dr google again!
I have OCD and ever since someone i knew from school's mum died from Leukemia, I have been obsessed with cancer.

It started out with me researching leukemia and finding out that swollen glands can be a symptom - which lead to me freaking out because I have had gland on the side of my neck since I was 3 (I'm now 20)!! I was prodding around a lot and noticed i could also feel two other smaller glands in my neck. This happened about 9 months ago and i ended up googling so much i convinced myself I had lymphoma. I saw my GP who suggested bloods as i was so nervous. My bloods showed a slight infection so my GP suggested a biopsy on the largest node but said he doubted very much it was cancer because I have had it for 17 years.
Anyway - I went to the hospital for my pre-op and the surgeon basically said he didn't think it was anything as it was there pretty much all my life and i had also tested positive for glandular fever so that could have been the infection. He said he would remove the node for peace of mind but i was scared of the aneasthetic so didn't have it done.
I forgot about that worry and moved on to other types of cancer; stomach, ovarian, cervical etc but now, 9 months on I am worried that I do have lymphoma and it has been there for ages. My nodes are all small, apart from the one i have had all my life, which is about the size of a marble and they are moveable and have not increased in size at all!
Do you think its just my health anxiety/ocd playing up or should i be worried.

I'd know by now if i'd had cancer for 17 years right?

Sorry for the long post and if you read this far, thanks for listening :) xxx

26-03-11, 23:49
Hi hun
I'm not a doctor but if you had cancer i'm pretty much 100% sure that you would of had a lot more very noticeable symptoms by now! If your doctor isn't worried you shouldn't be hun! Chin up!

26-03-11, 23:58
I can see how genuinely worried you are Helen but I very much doubt this is anything to worry about. In fact I'm surprised your doc would suggest such invasive testing when you haven't displayed other worrying symptoms. I'm glad you never went ahead with the op tbh.

You seem aware that this is just your anxiety playing tricks on your mind cos you mention all the other worries you've had re your health. Are you receiving treatment for this?

Try to reassure yourself that if there was something sinister going on you would of had characteristic symptoms by now.

27-03-11, 00:02
Hi - I have a swollen lymph node on neck behind ear (just checked and still there!). I've had it several years and freaked and wen t to drs when first found it. Dr said sometimes they are raised with an infection and then don't go back down - can stay like that forever. Knowing about my ha he actually made me feel his ... he found one when at uni studying medicine (and also freaked). He is is late 50's now. I am sure it is fine. xx