View Full Version : Citalopram Withdrawl, Please Help

27-03-11, 04:51

Hi, I have been on citalopram for about two years for PMDD, for the last six months I've been on 60mg. I'm changing to venlafaxine/vensir xl and am due to start in a few days. I've been tapering off the citalopram for the last few weeks, one week down to 40mg, then one week and 20mg and then one week on nothing (which I'm just going into my third day). For the last two nights I've been having awful problems sleeping. I've been feeling generally rubbish which I kind of expected but night time is the worst. I'm sweating and restless but the worst thing is horrible tingling sensations in my legs and buttocks. It's not painful, it's just an awful sensation. I'm sorry, it's hard to describe, it starts like tingling in my upper legs, thighs and bum which I try to ignore but then it feels really nervy and jumpy. I know this sounds silly but it's so annoying and really uncomfortable. I'm really struggling as I'm getting almost no sleep and I work full time with two kids. I'm so sorry for waffling and I know this probably sounds really minor but if anyone could shed some light on this or let me know if they have had anything similar I would be so grateful.
thank you
Tina xxx

28-03-11, 19:11

Cit withdrawal is not nice, I dropped from 40 to 0 over a period of 6 weeks and I still had hell, dizziness, sudden mood swings, manic thinking. It actually made me think what the hell are these things doing to me ?

Taper the dose slower by splitting the tablets in half or as you have already dropped to zero, try taking half a 10mg tablet or a full 10 mg over a space of 2 days and then reduce this in half again.

The doctors do not always know what is right, listen to your body and mind. I would also add b vitamins and possibly some fish oil to help with the withdrawal somewhat. Kalms may also help. You have the inner strength to come through, these symptoms will only be temporary, even though you think you are going crazy :hugs:.

01-04-11, 01:58
Restless leg syndrome!! Its a nightmare!! But Google it and I think it could be what you are experiencing x

01-04-11, 03:17
It seems like you reduced your dose quite quickly, which is possibly whilst the effects are so great. Normally (from what I've read, haven't been there myself) it seems people reduce their dose 5mg at a time, not 20 :S Leviathan's suggestion makes sense, I'd do 10mg for a week, 5mg for a week after that and then nothing in two weeks time, it seems a safer way to wean yourself off them Eternity :)
Good luck, hope things sort themselves out soon!